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Chapter 2 Everything starts here

Word Count: 1652    |    Released on: 30/07/2021

n the waiting room of the Punta Pacífico hospital waiting for any information that will take me out of this state of despair and anguish in which I find myself. My mother, the only person I have i

for some reason they give me some repulse, afraid of what he might say to me, I get up an

y back, my appearance of a girl helps me little. "Relax, I'm of legal age, you can tell me anythi

ach other, my seriousness is imperturbable and his anguish is palpable, the fact that I am a girl I know makes him doubt. "Miss, are you sure there isn't someone else to ac

you can tell me everything you have to say

are usually nothing to worry about, but unfortunately your mother's murmur encompasses a major heart vein.”

hat? "How ... how much is the operation?" I look into his

y thou

whisper in

good care of her, you c

ing to do now? “Thank you. Can

place until I reach a room where they have my mother channeled, she looks so calm, her calm breathing makes my hair sta

ve to happen to us?" I ask as if she could answer me. I have no idea how I will get that money but I have to find a way, lying on the sofa my

zy girl,” her weak voice makes me laugh, I

you like to do everythin

le?” She asks, closin

mile when I see her complain about it. "Hey, ca


he risk of worrying about her and doing her more harm? I finally decide to b

insured!” She puts her hands on her head, my mother always worries abo

r, I'll do it if it's the only way to get what we need. Now I want you to relax, calm do

ing, I can't help but look into her worried dark eyes.

dollars,” I s

at is going on with me? Maybe I can get past all of thi

." He walks over to her and checks her. “She'll be visiting for a while,” he said, “and I

" She looks at him threateningly. "I can't stay here, I feel good and I don't think my life is at risk, if I was, I'd be convalescing and I'm not." She lies, the weak tone of her v

to pay the rent and keep the cupboard full, I will also be able to pay for the hospital.” I smiled at her, “the

ible daughter,” he smiles at her, it amuses me to see how that doctor looks at my mother. She has a white complexion, her black

in bed 24 hours a day. Understood?” The fu

d out on the doctor, “I'm sorry doctor, she's u

one, everything is fine for now Mrs. Cook, if there is any disc

eproach her for the way she is

" She snorts an

rt to do my homework, I am so tired that I don't realize it when I fall asleep. "Fuck, fuck, fuck.

At full speed I run to the elevator, once I get to the ground floor I go to the subway station and of course it is full as always, I don

already starting. I study contemporary art, as a worthy daughter o

cher, reprimands me. "If you weren’t as good as you are,

r Gomez, I won't le

again." He affirms. Menta

bad." My friend w

he and I came with the same clothes a

ur mother?

.” She nods and we focus our attention on

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