img Rich Girl Poor Guy  /  Chapter 3 Deep | 75.00%
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Chapter 3 Deep

Word Count: 515    |    Released on: 15/08/2021

ch her " they chief

oser to her an

he replied as they chie

ppened to you ?" the chief inspecto

eplied walking away

er " the chief ins

cops replied

rying about what she saw i

it is he a ......., No" she said to her self ,

ple shook thier heads th

ing as a car stopped by her pressing the horn butt

" Jerome called

?" Jerome asked as Treasure

ou are in a confraternity ?" She asked h

ut?" Jerome asked restrai

tried to murder me today ." She s

or a way to sought this out aht " J

life, you gats belong to some things to live" J

came out for a morning Jorge . Reaching the

d ! " She

ht Walter out . She called out fo

ttered pulling

as possible , please bring a

to her surprise they press wer

m " she commanded as she got in

gonna be okay

after they check up we found out that he ha

gates and inform the press that I'm not


e , commen


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