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Chapter 2 Getting Over It

Word Count: 679    |    Released on: 03/08/2021

her decided to leave the town

at Rillax subdivision - far

t and the loss of dad's life. My mom is especially affected, she's won't eat unles

I saw her trying to drink ex

-commit a suicide?" I break into tears, as

g to make her lively and happy but I

waiting for her to fully ac

y?!! Why aren't you trying to get over it?" I am still crying,

did, I left her room and went

re so I can cool my

ink about what happened a

ed. I didn't pay a close attention to her.

n together for almost 29 years and he is my mother

am trying my best to light

ping her, I ended up screaming inf

eer me up but what did I do in exchange of that? I blamed her for not b

I hurriedly went back to our house to prepare dinner and I also don't wanna

g of va

and are known by everyone so having an encounter wi

re, they have an exceptional abilitie

atures but after what happened to dad

omed me, it was mom. She's crying and continiously a

rry for shou

assured me that she'll try to g

at her and went with

ad of going to my room to bath, I went to

urite fried chicken a

t her and asked h

your father said before dying" Seeing how my mother is

y she becam

are you

y that you bec

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