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Chapter 2 Birthday

Word Count: 441    |    Released on: 05/09/2021

t in my old curtain,the day is finally here I am eighteen today I didn't feel any cha

my life given the fact that i am a little bit insecure about my body,I have a small bossom but i am quite big in the lower part of my body but I guess guys li

sister zara for school she is three years old

rossed the room that used to be hers and dad'

ed her mind considering the fact that she just woke up, I got Zara and left the room the little sunshine in my

so close before dads death but his death only made her colder, I told her today is my birthday and she didn't take it well at all s

dream of me celebrating my birthday with f

hing peculiar,there is a secret behind the key like pendant on my neck, I rubbed the pendant as i rememb

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