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Chapter 5 MARK

Word Count: 1394    |    Released on: 13/09/2021

ion and I can’t forget the beauty of her face no matter what I do. It makes me want to see her and I really want to see her now because I can’t concentrate on my work. I am facing my monitor

f my head. I can’t concentrate on my work and I feel like I am floating with the vision of her inside my head. I feel like I want to shout, I feel like I want to fly to her place just to see her. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? IS THIS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? AM I IN LOVE? If I am

y co-worker asked me but I didn’t mi

ow. I am not with myself but what should I do? I am magically mesmerized and hypnotized by the girl I just met. She is so simple yet so classic, her sm

to him without even looking at him. I know he is laughing at me now but I don’t

ind again, bro,” He sa

e teases that makes me smile

f now, I can’t get her out of my head. I want to see her as in… I WANT TO SEE HER NOW! but I don’t know her address. I remember Rain, my co

eside me. I know she has a call but I

out the tools that she needed t

it up again, exit it again and pull it up again while waiting for Rain’s answer because she has a call. I received a call from the customer but after my ope

nside the locker” She said after assisting the custom

can outcast people with her smartness. We are close friends because I helped her make up with h

me a spark of hope that I might see Lady tonight if I will be

up and went out the production floor and went to her l

am staring at my monitor, waiting for Rain to come back and praying, hoping that she still has the address because I can’t wait for another meet

station and went back to her call. I checked the paper again and her address

id with excitement and I fe

ou so mu

how much you save

l again and said,

er place now but I need to wait for my lunch break before I can leave my station. I also keep on looking at the piece of paper that Rain gave me. I can’t wait for my lunch

see her and thanks to Rain. Now that I already have her address. I will not waste time. I hurriedly went to the parking lot and rode in my car and drove to her. Even I am not sure if I will see her. That is fine at least I tried to check o

to myself while thinking

my L

h her inside my head. My car is almost flying because of excitement to see her.

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