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Reading History

Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 675    |    Released on: 15/09/2021

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derailed by letting other life's events get in the way? Did you make some initial first steps only to find roadblocks in your way that convinced you to give up? Or,

After many long hours and many revisions, a board game was developed. Then came issues of financing. Not to be defeated by this obstacle, a plan was developed and carried out that saw shares being offered, all sold to a grou

board company, and inroads to large chain stores. Then, it happened. Introduced to the board game market came one of the biggest hits never seen be

of our own financial investment. It wasn't meant to be. The same old job, the same old daily grind loomed larger than ever. Is that the end of the story? Well, it was for one of the game developers; the negative e

uld have always wondered - what if. Was it then a failure? No, it wasn't. Was it the flaming success I'd hoped for - no. But, there were valuable lessons to be learned. After all, how many successful business people, inventors, authors,

ter choices, or better action plans in future endeavors. Will success come on the next adventure, or the next one after that, or will it take many more? Who is

this. After many attempts, many failures, many lessons, and many false st

turn dreams into action plans, and do

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