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Chapter 5 Understand Your Worth

Word Count: 2494    |    Released on: 10/10/2021


man mind is up and not down for a purpose a friend Milan Bwalya often stated. The products of your mindset which could either be poverty or riches, failure or success, confidence o

let any one put them down they will remember the words of there parent but that's not all there is about this topic, you see it's always a duty of some one to open your eyes but it's not there business if you want to see or not, thats why self discovery book speaks to the mind of an individual but there is much effort expected from an individual in terms of commitment, will, determination and faith as well as sacrifice on your part b

get compliments that my smile was nice, my eyes were sexy and my height was okay as for my spoken english that it sounded like some one with a couple of degrees and still i was all alone with no one to say happy valentines, i missed you, i am on your side, promise you won't break my heart e.t.c i just was alone to make matters worse with attitude problems and numerous insecurities but do you know what my problem wa


our mouth and make you chew it, that's a problem i once had if a preety girl told me i was a cool guy she would consider dating compared to other guys all i would d

opion about you because what matters is how you take and respond to those opinions afterall you are you, they are talking but they are not you so if somebody tries to weigh you down because they hate you or because they want to push you in a corner think about your self worth that makes up your self es

ou that you certainly are wrong and such people you must ask them how they feel about you and what kind of person they thimk you are knowing they will be honest if they say something good take it and let

s, barbing, hair styling, modelling, marketing, writting, baking, cooking, landscaping, team building, news reporting e.t.c i mean anything that you are good at be it big or small but just anything that

d who doesn't like a hard working person? no one, because every one knows that success, fame and fortune are all a product of hard work but idleness brings nothing to the table and poverty can be easily identified with idleness so stay away from idleness it's not good to you and it mak

is the hardest, it's good to forgive others that's what self discovery is all about a peace of mind an afican proverb says '' if a child tells his mother that mom you won't sleep tonight, then that child too will not sleep to make sure his mom doesn't sleep'' so if you don't

o burn excess fat and to look athlectic or sexy if people feel good about you then you will hav

y slowly and in society i stopped being regarded all that people could say about me was '' you mean Michael the jobless drunk that guy who claims h

isponsibility that's even some of the things that attracts the opposite sex, i don't mean to say they all want some one who can buy them the world th


eauty of out side but she had no self worth and respect, mostly she was patronising bars and night club not that she came from a humble home or something as a matter of fact she had everything just not self discovered yet and mostly she was furastrated that with a

your self, are you a brand that can sell or not? a good brand sells because the manufacturer has spent so many resources when making it, the marketer and advertiser knows it's worth and you the consumer knows that, which is why you l


who want to self discover and live a much more happier life as a matter of fact a fulfilled one that you deserve to

r no with the view of knowing what it is that I really wanted in my life. Know what it is that you really want in your life, knowing that if you do some thing wrong there would be consequences and if it's some thing good they will be benefits that will just seem alright and add to your joy an

said to myself that maybe they don't like the way i look like or i d

ople used to see something in me, the kind of stuff that i couldn't see in myself, but all worked good eventually but didn't work out for some of those. Later i met people who were way too tired and couldn't take it they commited crime and were jailed and some they lost there lives after going through the same painful thing that didn't kill me and

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