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Chapter 2 Her Best Choice

Word Count: 1111    |    Released on: 11/10/2021

and read the information on the

sorry. Are

the gay man said while gigg

ree students, so he thou

an help you guys..

t let those students work so that they could pay for the exam.

by were stunned, looking at them. They made rumors about what they saw without basis. All

ad news for Jane. She got a call from her

n the hospital." her mo

How is he?" with a lo

his inner pain, but I don't know if we can afford hi

mom, I will

y Ja

later, mom. Take car

finally preferred to send her money to her family. It's the money she received from Jester, the

ion. Lila (Jane's friend) noticed that h

his friend Lila touched his hip with a finger. The gay man

e?" Henry turned his head slow

she not

d back to her friend at a

ok at her chai

e chair. They wonder why their friend will be absen

, who had checked Jane's attendance at that moment, but he saw nothing seated in her chair. However, a wave and a greeting

his mind's thoughts a

himself while still imagining

on guessing Jane's whereabou

her father's room and checked the condition. She even asked for the doctor's results, which had not be

e for today's treatment. This is just to help him stay calm during the attack of the disease

father was safe, as if she didn't h

d to study at your school and take your

and while rubbi

ing to me. Don't worry about my studie

she pulled it back in order n

hter," whisper

be right here. Stop talking,

r father's hand to ease the pa

us and dangerous respiratory illnesses, and COPD is the number one problem in most pulmonology offices. Thoug

later, someo

ou? Is there a problem?" t

rming you and Lila. I'm in th


, on his bill at the hospital. That's why I couldn't tak

ospital's name and address and

in front of SM Mall

ake care

ct that there were a lot of good people in the world who wer

father had been confined. One man left for the cashier section to pay

your father?

a stable

worry about the bill from your fathe

family was really struggling with the hospital bill, so she was

ked to clar

y replied with a

inking about what kind of person would be



Chapter 1 The First Meeting Chapter 2 Her Best Choice Chapter 3 The Mourning Chapter 4 Bread Winner Chapter 5 The Good News Chapter 6 Graduation Day Chapter 7 One Night Love Making
Chapter 8 Her Miscarriage
Chapter 9 Start of Marriage Life
Chapter 10 Jester's Parents Visit
Chapter 11 Wife's Instinct
Chapter 12 My Husband's Other Woman
Chapter 13 GPS Tracker
Chapter 14 The Departure of Jane's Husband and Son
Chapter 15 Trip to Canada
Chapter 16 The Red Stuff Toy
Chapter 17 The Death Of Her Mother
Chapter 18 Jenny, The Virgin
Chapter 19 The Reunion Of The Family
Chapter 20 Who Is Andi
Chapter 21 The Finger and Its Ring
Chapter 22 The Show
Chapter 23 The Strange Knock
Chapter 24 The Old Beggar's Warning
Chapter 25 Their Interrupted Romance
Chapter 26 The Knife
Chapter 27 The Weeping Mother
Chapter 28 Oh no! He's a big client of the company
Chapter 29 Jane's Mother-in-laws' Revelation
Chapter 30 Name Your Price
Chapter 31 His Two Beloved Women
Chapter 32 The Divorce Paper and The Child Custody Agreement
Chapter 33 Jane's Lost Of Friends
Chapter 34 The Confrontation and The Truth Behind The Fire
Chapter 35 The Intense Encounter of Jenny and Jane
Chapter 36 Lock Vs. Unluck
Chapter 37 A Glass of Wine
Chapter 38 The Other Door
Chapter 39 She Don't Have A Choice To Escape
Chapter 40 Jane, As A Speaker of Z-19 Law Firm
Chapter 41 She Was So Different
Chapter 42 The Fake Jenny and Jester's Proposal
Chapter 43 Theo and Jester's Conversation
Chapter 44 Mystery Of His Fiancee
Chapter 45 Jane's Intense Revenge
Chapter 46 Guilty But Not As So
Chapter 47 Puzzling In Her Mind
Chapter 48 Weeping In Purpose
Chapter 49 The Wedding Invitation
Chapter 50 The Change of Wedding Venue
Chapter 51 Who Is The Real Bride And The Impostor
Chapter 52 The Marriage Twist
Chapter 53 Escape To New York
Chapter 54 Going To The Truth
Chapter 55 The Big Revelation
Chapter 56 The Ending Of The Story And The Beginning Of Life
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