img The nerd project round 2  /  Chapter 5 Day 2 of project Kristy & Josh | 15.15%
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Chapter 5 Day 2 of project Kristy & Josh

Word Count: 531    |    Released on: 12/10/2021


roject: Kr


nyone. It's not that I don't want to meet new people and make friends. It's that I ha

ange operation that I had begged for since I was young. No one here knows about my life bef

e she is who I am. I can't go back to being tortured and beaten for being myself. I finally have f

hing I am not. He is the type of guy I would give anything to be with, but sadly he would never wa

ave come to terms with it a long time ago. It just is


o problem with me being gay so I'm ok with her. I don't know what we can le

like Kristy may have a secret. She seems quit and reserved like she's hiding something.

e realized I am proud of who I am, and they could never break me. There is nothing wron

en attracted to a girl before so it's new to me. I want to get to know her and

e willing. This project is going to be a good thin

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