img Dear Hammad  /  Chapter 1 Yusrah’s POV. | 14.29%
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Dear Hammad

Dear Hammad

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Chapter 1 Yusrah’s POV.

Word Count: 517    |    Released on: 19/10/2021

ful to those who aren'

..." I couldn't finish what I was writing when I s

ing up since, reason because I didn

aphy teacher. Gosh, I wish I could open my mind so you could see him too. He was tall, very handsome an

amented the moment sh

?" Actually, she was referring to the papers I threw aro

uttered about writing another letter to

gh!" She said

" I snatched back

, and I get to d

he said in a d

ay, dinner

aid to her and contin

um and dad you've go

I glare

t you

She said walking to t

d to stop her but sh

e now!"

an after her to dining room and hopefully,

ace?" Our m

chorused as we settled

" Our mother as

We choru

ur elder brother chimed in with a chuck

rolled my eyes at him with Y

I am saying the truth" Ya Ami

Our father

a peaceful d

d in unison and be

isted for about an our befor

Yasmin c

I re

ssed up?” Yasmin aske

in love” I re

serious ”Yasmin

hen” I said ent

Lemme understand “ Yasmi

ring my blanket and tha


is my first chapter.

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