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Confused Destiny

Confused Destiny

Author: author presh
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Chapter 1 My life

Word Count: 658    |    Released on: 20/10/2021

hese things to the kitchen…... hmm am used to my mom's nagging voice,I don't know if it's a

irst before respecting your decisions, especially when they help you,and besides my mom p

y uniform I have exams tomorrow,I haven't read my books. Suddenly I became sad,I rem

ad died living me and my siblings in this cruel world. My situation is better,I c

ass and smile at each other , wishing I would one day be able to make friends and think less of my family financial status,a familiar voice settled me Reth!!!!Why are you staring

d want to get married,I know not lazy I just like doing things my own way a

can home,my mom would always tell me how I acted different as a child,she said I cried a

d how they would react to my naughty behaviors. I would tell them how I tried packing out of the house with no specific direction when I was five yea

ng me,I wouldn't have noticed anyway I was lost in my world of temporary happiness,so far the only thing that makes me happy is day

have been calling you,what are you thinking about,I am totally convinced that's there's something wrong with you,you must be a Witch,will you get out of the kitchen

is always brutal with it,it's her way of bein

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