img My only wish  /  Chapter 4 Emily | 15.38%
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Chapter 4 Emily

Word Count: 1151    |    Released on: 10/11/2021

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in the same classes. I went to my locker and took out my books for biology. I hated biology but it’s something that I have to do whether I like it o

ner up for a project he was talking about?

?” I couldn’t contain my excitement as

said yesterday, I would like to be your friend if you still want me t

est friend you could ever think of.” I nodded

d up and saw Luca glaring at me with hatred in his eyes and I so

r next exam so I suggest you think hard on what project you want to come up with and try and work together with your new partner and I don’t want any complaints, I have already made my choice.” Everyone groaned when he sa

yes as he realized who my partner was going to be. I shook my head and told him th

mily ok? I’m sorry I couldn’t be your partner I was really wishing I

liver. We talked for a while and he told me to meet him in the cafeteria for lunch from now on. He’s acting a little bit overprotective of me, but I didn’t mind. He’s my first real friend

cond I want to be friends with you. I don’t like you and I can’t stand being a

’s that?” He asked with an irritated tone. “ promise me you won’t like me at all during our time together. Promise me

o actually want to be in your presence. I don’t know why you’d even say something like that in the first place, I wish you’d just do us

nd find out what it was about. I ran away from him so I could go to the bathroom and take my pill. By the time I got to th

now in the picture and he was someone I wanted to avoid the most. I still remembered what he did in the cafeteria and I felt disgusted by it. How am I going to get through this knowing that I can’t escape him right now? I made my way out and went to my locker so I could retrieve my book for my next class. During class I kept on spacing out, thinking about Luca and what I did wrong for bad luck to be following me around

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