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Too Beautiful For the Alpha

Too Beautiful For the Alpha

Author: Sydney Marie
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Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1818    |    Released on: 23/11/2021

not as soft and shiny as hers. In my young mind, I believed no guy would want me because at the time I didn't possess such traits. It is a stupid thing to believe—that I am too ugly

supposed to be beautiful right? Flawless skin, vibrant hair, lushes lips, soothing voice, perfect body, a list of tra

rs," my mother would tell me, pushing

breasts will come, you're ju

t aren't

ce will

ovely, people want brow

d me. Will I really grow into my ears? No. They'll always

girl's mothers than mine. She could have been an Alphas Mate, that's how perfect she was. Only

eel free. As the other girls prepared for gatherings—ones where packs would get

have a ma

arms. "That's

have a mate; it doesn't matter i

dress and let's get going

the corner all night while four girls my age found their mates. On

tes, their dancing, their dresses. Sure, I found it easier to acc

been once, when I was seventeen, so I'd like to spare myself from that pain. My mother

ce of golden cloth, and I already know what it is. A dress. "We've been through this befo

hould go this year. You di

ou want me to go, but there's no point. I have no

ne has

s one more girl werewolf than ther

st three years, so it's time you start taking this seriously. You're nineteen, girls your age are excited by parties and t

ly. "A guard c

door. "They will now!" Th

ld and silky and girly, and something one of the pretty girls would wear. A girl like me should not wear this dress as the bust area clearly requir

ut the door after handing me a pair of her shorte

lost or couldn't find it," my mother calls as I wander away

rmal Saturday nights in the pack. It's nothing exciting like sneaking off pack land or secretly meeting up with a guy who is not my mat

make me less

tion is not my specialty, so when I hear voices coming at me, I rush into the

sight of him. I have met the Alpha once before, and I was awkward as usual. He probably wouldn't remember me if he saw me. A

a, and I lean a little further, and my foot gets caught on a tree root, and I claw at the b

all upon me, somewhat hidden behind a low b

on my dress. "Sorry," I say nervously. "I thought I saw something out further,

r the mateless?"

e small crowd. My eyes go straight to my Alpha, apologeti

of his magnificent features and write a book about it all, but something else has me entranced. The feeling in my stomach. Or is it my h

ouldn't think in such ways about someone above me. His

come to me again, then leave again, like he's looking at an eclipse. His jaw muscles clench, and I cross my feet, one leg moving in fro

opping my virginity in the forest, against a tree, may


en?" My Alpha cuts through the si

ogether words that mean nothing to me at t

his scent giving my head a spin. He doesn't look back at me like I would for him, he o

minute, still sta

what I do not want to hear. It's shouting at me,

to an Alpha? What a joke! If the girls were here right now, they'd sure get

o smack myself fo

ete idiot, but I will also now have to watch girls flirt and dance, maybe even discover their mat

g my sixteen-year-ol

one hundred and one females, and

before walking towards it,

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