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Reading History

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1007    |    Released on: 31/12/2021


e feeling

Brandon arriv

eted after I noticed Mr B

I'm sorry for taking s

Where have you

just about to follow the maid t

ngs?" I a



night?" Mr B

ching Tom and Jerry and eating

e lesson as soon as the maid brings th

" I re

time for he maid bu

d check what's happen

ot up but I

." I sai

. I'll be back soon

ht me manners too. I'll go c

a good student. Okay,

." I said to him an

ing her so long t

hen cooking while the two

Kendra." Che

randon's stuff

lly forgot about

an hardly b

ere to get i

ng." Cher

k after what she was cooking an

ut with the required things. S

y problem?"

was just thinking of som

o." I said an

r Brandon. He thanked me a

s time to make a measurement for so

nute." Mr Brandon

sat there wa

was giving me his things or ma

'm sure he w


come to me but of course this st

nd waited outside for me to

hought of something else and remove

eryday so he I figured he would def

ing that this girl would

problem?" Ke

I was just thinking of

" Kendra said a

ger growing. I wan

cause even after all these years of being

nished up what I was doing befor

one from three maids who g

Maybe he just didn't need a ruler. I flun

a since I was done with my part of work for this morning and la

errupted by a kn

the door?"

his is the room belonging to Cherry

it. This was my

ase close the d

d pretended not to see him and

as sure he'd be captivate

se for some time but

m and then turned and

ocked and he av

He said, still covering his ey

the nervousnes

inted to the ruler which was sti

phone but I gave side glance

e a reaction in him but instead of drooling over

mething different in his reaction. I thought m

d have definitely made progress if I threatened him with

d and put on my m

act. Maybe the thought of seeing

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