img Exclusive contract (I sold myself for my freedom)  /  Chapter 4 Plant A Maid | 80.00%
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Chapter 4 Plant A Maid

Word Count: 1076    |    Released on: 03/01/2022

Step friend)Ta

r friendship which they think am after Their Property. Mina and Sandra are so foolish to think I will help them after all what they did to me. They really think I will betray my friends for them , I know that m


me back please don't die please" Miles w

hey are one of the Maids Martin assigned to always watch J

d why are you crying"

e is dieing" Miles

her but only for Two minutes because

said standing

of the room and t

e this letter to her"Miles said and h

o her , Don't think to m


Miles to the dinning room as he eat to his Satisfact

ncharge of Jolie and Miles wellbeing,Five of them went to the m

ed Jolie because the treatment he is gi

amazed when boss said we should be giving h

Head-maid Said "Four of you should listen

e any thing "Maid 3 rep

in and he is so called step brother M

e remaining m

asked "how

s Rebecca Mr Luther First wife and bring one of the twins to her because she pretend to Be Pregnant and gave birth that day And she is just trying to cause trouble between the brothers before the secret will come out

he other mai

" Is Boss aware that Tim

s get out of here before Boss starts looking for us The Head-Maid said and w


h Jolie explaining why

nd there is no way I can leave, have already join and Features of Mafia is to be Cold,So af

you, Am glad you explai

u sure" Ma

am sure" J

iend, I love you s

tie"Jolie replied with

ng at my Club"Martin said snapping Jolie out of

ing and talki

m,I am going to put my life on the s


alk to you" Tasha t

t is It?" S

Martin and I want to

that but I will have to nee

t I will need to Take one of

artin Luther is For you alon

I love you M

to reply when T

to Ask a quest

Sandra repl

ca Jolie's Mom D

Starts dating Martin and you will have to b

good at toturing People

rything so by Next month you will become Martin Luthe

said hugging her mom bef

ing about what She

e Access to his company and His Money and I will

Mina, Maybe Some maids in Martin's Mansion and

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