img Helpless Life  /  Chapter 5 Killed | 12.50%
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Chapter 5 Killed

Word Count: 589    |    Released on: 07/02/2022

t if I had known that this would be my fin

rcy on me. I walked down the road to get some drugs for my mother; she needed some drugs

I was constantly being watched, but

eard from again, but the look at me thing isn't working and I fel

men exited, and I was dragged inside. I saw another guy, but his face was ob

ed by the three men standing close to me after they removed their masks

ain; he also came to me and said how I insulted him and made a mockery of him; I was a

lled out my cloth and I was raped, it was not even enough John rape me I cried because I had lost my woman pride, I hoped that after all the raping I would be left alone but I was wrong, He came down to my level and asked me to say one final

pure heart that knows nothing about

rom all of you, but I

way, and he smiled and pulled the t

t complete; I have never had the opportunity to tell her I love her;

ust to make her smile; please God forgive me and grant me a second chance to


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