img The Art of Falling in Love with a Star  /  Chapter 5 The element of confrontation (Part 1) | 29.41%
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Chapter 5 The element of confrontation (Part 1)

Word Count: 1092    |    Released on: 13/02/2022

rows frowned, hearing that ear-spl

ught that I just imagined it, like the sudden beep of a phone call that wasn’t successful going through to the other

ard that blasting sound once again—the same loud sound travelling from beneath my walls a few minutes earlier. It soun

e sound. But it sounded like it was not a scream out of grieve fear, but a shout like someone was h

e best sleep tonight because I haven

ound came from wouldn’t let me have one. God,

lease let me hav

ctly on my soft bed. Just close your eyes, Misty. Don’t l


more m

t con

next few seconds, by the way, I couldn’t help but do something about it. No matter ho

nd ran outside my unit, with an outraging emotion almost blasting the hell out of me. When I found mysel

ar on the doo

t from here, I see,” I

ve such a hideous time, I then went to Unit 802 and 801, but to my disappointmen

ave a very sensiti

sound? Oh, well, maybe th

nit. U

is unit first when it’s just in front of my

I th

gainst the door; this time, it was louder than earlier since I was closer to t

! Seriously? A person


like the person didn’t

them whenever I workout or simply need some energy to stay awake—it just didn’t make sense that he sh

ped now!” I fumed as if it was the end of the worl

5 to ensure that the loud sound was coming from th

n fact, comin

n inside continued chantin

knocking, but no one opened the door! I got a little irritated and knocked on

a bit. “Hey! If you don’t stop shouting, I wil

ut it didn’t help as

of this creature, uhm, human being, I still did shout, not caring

g as hard as possible, my right hand grabbing

f you don’t stop and come


and, the door pulled me in, which caused me to lose

Miss?” th

g man looked at me. His eyebrows

the culprit,

s from”—he eyed my hands which were on his

diately removed my hands from his bare chest as fast as I

t almost jumped off my chest.

ing against the door. Like he wasn’t caring how he looked. Like he didn’

s dude e


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