img Hell Of A Marriage  /  Chapter 7 7 | 35.00%
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Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 2545    |    Released on: 25/02/2022

so he could have some food with no one sne

ut being tailed and followed by cameras and though he’s less wild now compared to when he

f privacy. But he will not be a hypocrite because being born as a Hilton has given him many privileges and t

eryone thinks you’re supposed to be okay. After all, you’re rich, and it brings u

se they were alike and though he doesn’t know what has happened to their friendship because of what’s

that he’s got Vary still around at least that one hon

d people who weren’t her class because she always felt out of place w

who is not only much taller but way better in every way. They seemed like two

Taylor is a perfect match compared to her. She’s his league, class, of his status. Vary is black, Keenan is Ital

e they are different, Levi always does his best to fill that gap

kes their orders and after a while, the

r love life going four years ago you were dating Drew? How are things now?

member telling him that four years ago,

an white napkin from the tablet

nal life is one she’d like to keep personal, but before he can say anyt

’m sorry. I thought he was the one you were re

s well and when she does, a wide grin spreads across her face and Keenan wo

nods it towards her for a toast before bringing

heeks heat and she nods. Thinking about

ad face. “He’s a lucky man. Hope one day a gir

She smiles and picks up her glass of



knew it was a huge speech, a bold step and it is probably the best he’s ever taken in his life. But if Taylor loved him and was ready to move

de of the table where she’d just returned it to and slowly and intimately caress it

love you Taylor, and to tell you the truth, th

of her already knowing where this i

.” he takes her left hand up and leans forward to place a soft kiss on it and she stares at him si

he plays along. “Something I’ve always wanted to do. Taylor Snowfall, that before you is a marriage contract and if you sign your name, you will automatically become my wife,” he pulls out a bla

e he was crazy, but he was crazy for he

fe,” he replies, not understanding why

dreading. “I’m not really what you want as a life partner.” Her hand goes to the box

painfully in his chest at her answer. Everything that happens the next few mome

says som

at he’s supposed to say anymore.

hey both know it’s the truth, hearing it from her felt like she’s piercing a bulle

his emotions for so long and he holds them back along wi

rom this terrible nightmare, but when he opens th

hrough another year of pain or work K

deserve,” he says through gritted te

e and that’s you,” she says and a

rom every decision but prepare for the worse and that was his downfall beca

ight because Taylor's words felt like death and the very destruction of his


e proposal being plastered on the news, but when he reaches his office, he saw few workers gossip and although

ears the crack of the door. “May I come in, Sir?” Varisha a

n from. Keenan almost answers back

the seat with her eyes looking every

mployees should talk about their boss, but I can’t help to wonder what it is about, and before you say ‘there’

she replies, shaking her head so furiou

nd if you’re just going to lie.” he reminds h

weaty. She doesn’t want to get into trouble, neither does she want to

ws about an hour ago, Sir

nothing crazy like usual

s Snowfall,” she says so quiet

prised, seeing as many paparazzi live on the news they take about him every day, but

ks in concern as she sees so

xact opposite of fine. “I’ll be fin

and walks out and when she closes his door; he turns on the TV in his o

nes read: Prop

ver, proposed to Taylor, but most shockingly Taylor, his on and off girlfriend turned down his proposal.” the video clips of Taylor, shaking her head and slamming the ring box in his hand close is put o

bby,” Keenan yells a

ittle strained from staring at the computer screen for too long. Tomorrow she hopes t

e had always put her first in every new project on strategy for new hotels being set up in different cou

one out of her bag to see if there are any messages or miss calls

ks through it. She walks to the elevator and almost presses the button when she hears loud no

d why are there loud noises com

n is old enough to handle himself, but she knows from earlier that h

any sign of Keenan in the room, but now she hears his voice. With careful steps, she further herself into his office and even though all other senses wa

do?” he shouts in annoyance and she h

d pushes the mug on the bookshelf,

back towards the door when she sees

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