img My Devil is a Beautiful Female  /  Chapter 8 The Lion | 80.00%
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Chapter 8 The Lion

Word Count: 775    |    Released on: 22/03/2022


king after def

r a tree to g

re guys from

at he is saying all of a sudden 'three

lmost bigger than the toa

e things to welcom

ing to the left one."

right one." Takagi s

e to take care of th

e starts coming out of her hand; leavin

o the Snake, she jumps

c: Clear Pris

d in a clear crystal! The crystal is dia

Magic: Cr

l then she punches the diamond-shaped

K* *S

into hundreds of

g Magic:

e then jumps and punches the snake i


pain while moving i

ke in the jaw. The snake then falls t

agic: W

arrow towards the last snake. The arrow pierces t

done as well

Takahiro an

ork!" Ta

y P

king in front of them while Renjii a

rea and sit near those

feeling uneasy but he

mosphere is very

out an intimidating look. Any beast will shake in fear in f

so great that no one

from his sleep when T

efensive position. Then he quietly wa

both get shocked wh

ys quietly and Renjii

d we do, Ro

dy to escape. At the count of three, run s

hree! RUN!"

roaches them. But When Roy looks back, he sees Renjii fr

elf, 'What is he doing!

Renjii and at that moment Roy appears between Renjii and The Lion. H

s to push Renjii away and in the process, Roy gets

hat hurt." Ro

oser to Roy, at that moment Renjii uses his magic to pick up a medi

Taking advantage of this, Roy gets up fr


s abilities is t

get frozen in place

y moving?' Renjii

says to himself but he i

ut Roy can't do anything to

ii screams

it ends, huh.' Ro


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