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The Alpha's Hated Mate

The Alpha's Hated Mate

Author: Vicky Perry
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Chapter 1 Aria

Word Count: 1826    |    Released on: 18/03/2022

From T

in. I was scared I and I don't know where I was going to but I know I am far away from home. My school bag that my mom gave to me was on my back with my med inside

ore me when sundelly my legs hit a stone on the floor making me to miss some steps as I fall flat on th

e out of my mouth in fear as I stare


ll an imagination of someone thought that was brought to life. Aria is among those that never believe that werewolves exist. But she

mate find their mate before 17or even 18 but finding his own mate was very difficult for him not until one day w

h fall imlove with each other and she star

f the mother as she cry in pain and agony. Finally she is givin

strange lighting in the sky and the hair color of the baby changed from black to g

ot raining season yet but the sky started dropping water from heaven just on

of the midwives cry when sundelly an unknown

aid to be a cursed child and the penalty is for he

child? or there is something behind her birth. Was s


irth to him a knife on his hand the only thing that his body reacts to is their command

command again and without warning he took a slow

nses he is controlling your mind" the woman cr

knife up and he Peirce it directly into her stomach. Immediately the knife was deep inside her he pause as his red eyes stare into her face tears dropping down his

ightmares that have been hunting him for years a guilty that his heart won't stop


night when my perfect beautiful life became upside down the night I lost my parents. The night that starts the journey of my life with so many complicated things and man

me up from my beautiful sleep. Gosh I was hav

ging as I cover my head back with my devout I buried myself inside the cloth and rapped my hand around

h knowing who it is. The knock came again but I didn't bother to answer as I turn to the other side tu

ered I Know she is definitely the one if my alarm didn't wake m

ool today" my mom voice came making me to hold tight to my body belo

the curtain up making the ray of light to shine directly into my ro

e to pull the blanket off my body in a rush jumping down from the bed immediately I am definitely not ready to receive any punishment today from Mr Frank my Math tea

ly smile as she watch me enterered the bathroom in a rush she knows the best way to get me being late to Mr Frank class is the last thi

ier today came rushing through my thought. I saw him and he told me we are Meant to be together forever but there was this wor

ut with a blue towel tied around my waist then my phone st

you?" Alice voice ech

ready fo

tten that are we having Mr Frank lecture this

ing one hand to start massaging cream on my body

t going?" She asked but I know she won't leave me we don't go to school sepa

t there" I mumbl

call not ready to hear her complain again even if she continue nagging from now till to

y eyes caught my blue baggy treasure and I wore a black hood on it. Well I have a special love for big dre

my blue pack bag. Which is my favorite color I complete my dressing with

busy inside the kitchen making breakfast "Mummy I am off

d my mom yelled calling me back bef

d she w

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