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Reading History


Word Count: 1814    |    Released on: 12/04/2022

against my skull. I groaned weakly and allowed myself the pleasure of leaning further int


hicken or something. Oh, for the love of god! The same addictive scent from the banquet teased my sens

xander -

The blood. The kick. His words. Involuntarily, I edged away from him, my eyes quickly darting around the black refined vehicle we seeme

I fired at the Alpha, swiftly turning to face his daunt

across his handsome face. “Is that perhaps another way o

man of his high position. In Whitefang, such actions were punishable by severe whipping. My heart dropped at the sharp glare he still had directed

, giving my best not to flinch when he brought his fingers up to trace delicately at


were darkened, probing directly int

up herbs for my family in the woods when a wild bear attacked. T

ldn’t be sitting here right now blabbering out illogical lies with just a black eye and a few bruises. You’d be torn to shreds and your remains would be just, per

n me. On the other hand, it was as a result of the inviting proximity between our bodies - the negligible distance between us. With just a small push and I’d b

, burning holes straight through my lies, he drawled out a low chuckle, then resigned back into his seat. My brows furro

even lie to protect those who hurt you?” Alpha Alexander tsked. “

ng about me? I didn’t tell him that Ivy was the sole instigator of the bruises marking my face because…well, she was still family - to some extent. If the rumors about Alpha

and his father’s tyranny. On all grounds, Alpha Alexander was a force to be reckoned across the four packs of West Crescent Valley and although a few egoistic Alphas of the other packs have refused to acknowledge it, deep down, we

was m

to turn or in anyway matter to him when it comes to the affairs of running a pack. Who exactly was I kidding? I could never fit-in in a place Silver Dawn

ned again. “Where a

t obviou

yrocketed. “No, no. I can’t go

nd my gaze. “An

bye to my best friend. Yes, I

how that’s

have to say my good byes, please. Tel

n his blue eyes could freeze hell over. “You

ng with desperation and a different kind of courage, I glared at the Alpha. “You can’t just pluck me out of my life and expect me to be

ow, almost a growl, “Another word from you and I w

ld just r

pposed to b

at works but I think I’m o

was enclosing the space between us. His intoxicating scent filled up my lungs and the tiny bits of our skin t

rritation of a traitorous part of me. My breath hitched when he trailed them up neck, inha

of confidence that had taken over me. He pinned his piercing blue eyes in

was flab


t spilling out the second Alpha Alexander tortuously drew his large hand up my thigh sens

aded me the more he held onto my ga

ke an order then, like a smug little taunt. But the seriousne

vocatively against my inner thigh. Dangerously close to my soakin

nibbled sweet

which was a fight that proved more



, Alpha Alexander didn’t stop staring at me or give a single care to whatever reason had made the drive

nd after another second of consuming me with his icy stare, Alpha Ale

le chance against the Alpha, especially not with the mate bond interfering in literally everything! A

the ground. Littered all over the road were dead bodies of people both in wolf and human form, brutally killed with the heino

onster could h

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