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Chapter 4 Hunt for Shader

Word Count: 1448    |    Released on: 31/05/2022

mood. He nodded to the two guards that stood beside the door and the door opened without any visible force applied. He walked in and saw Tuli, standing atop a small platform, starin

ess shirt, displaying the tattoo on his shoulder; a bird in flight and he wore large trousers that tapered together at the ankles. His brown hair was thick and curly and

thousand years. I just peaked at a draw." He said and giggled, covering his mouth with his left hand, the right resting on his hip. Idem scowle

one to one of the soft houses. He's at that age, you kno

ntorting with rage and his oran

at is the matter with the both of you?" He roared, clenching his fists, supressing his curse as it struggled to break free. Tuli raised a

d say we deserve it, no?" He said and Tuli stopped. He turned to look at Idem, his red eyes loosing all of the flippancy and humor

dem nodded and Tuli tilted his head quickly, sticking out his lower lip. He turned and lar

nt animals. There were fifteen shaders that Idem knew of and Tuli was the best by far. Idem walked to a large,wooden chair and sat down, throwing his head back and closing his e

ve foot sword would emerge out of the hilt. Her hair was cut short and she had high cheekbones, piercing grey eyes and a permanent sneer on her full, succulent lips. She was about two hundred years old which put her at middle aged for one of the few that had their live

servations, darkness." She said, her voice

that. Why bother me with such news? It is of no import." He said and she raised an eyebrow at him. Then she walked to where he

he looked away for a while before he grudgingly nodded. Samza had trained him since he was old enough to walk and after his mother died in his twelfth year, they had devel

wild." she said and frowned. He smiled a little, despite himself and

commoner yesterday." She said and Idem raised an eyebrow. Soldiers were k

y now. It is still not important, Samza." He said. She rolled he

his sword was broken into tiny fragments. You are in charge of the reservations.

stiffened, staring at Sam

ssible, maybe he got into a qua

eyes and steppe

e commoners around say that such deaths have happened a few times. Apparently, the soldier was having h

this son, exact

there, though. I have my best trackers looking

ill alive? I will want to have a word

urned down the Atu, proceeding to kill a few other p

. The men responsible for this carelessness should be found, bled of informa

asked, looking pointedly at him. He stopped for a mom

ther, he might even forego the appointment, eh?" He said and walked past her. She nodded and fo

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