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Chapter 3 Two

Word Count: 1213    |    Released on: 04/07/2022

was even worse. So far, our family has never b

his normal self but I could tell he was worried. Coulter on the other hand was

llow dress. The hand straps were thin.

t was a bad habit I had. Coming late. Papa scolde

ed in hushed tones. Coulter walked far ahead while Nevaeh and I walked toge

e not here yet. They had three daughters. They were

nty-one and so our chances o

rs who has daughters as old as us. The other whose daugh

rned as long as they would not be chosen.

ice. I didn't know how to reply to the question. I didn't like

ndly, our family has never been selected. I didn't want to li

She heaved a sigh and looked away. I wished I could make her smile but s

r face. It saddened him to send the girl but an agreement was an agreement. We've never heard the full story j

climbed the podium. A true gentleman. He was nev

hat moment, I saw Edel enter the hall. His hair was ruffled a

. I gave him a wide smile and waved before he took h

had made some noise when he entered and eyes were on h

as said and all atten

to the right" there was shuffling of feet and noise as we rearran

and the younger girls moved. When I looked back, I paled. The girls of age at the gathering were significantly smaller than

hoice but their parents had removed them. Prob

ed. This time, I didn't say

face to another while his

l keep eliminating until we get to the last famil

dy standing. Everyone remained silent as we waited for the

l us. Don

I couldn't believe it

e information. Nevaeh also stood up. I felt her eyes on me but I

of relief could be heard across the room. I shuf

l. Take

ten to this stage ever. From mother's stor

was sure it was the same for Nevaeh. One

e more obedient and respectful. I'll take my re

his moment. I'll be happy if they picked

nes. Their eyes moved over us every few minutes. I shrugged

ed their discussion and we w

ll of us but it is necessary becaus

a deep

have a week to prepare your daughter. Say your last goodbyes and when the men

is final decision. And he just remained sil

mn look on his face and I was convinced that family had been

p. His eyes were on the Hinsley girl. Was

im and his ey

r family has

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