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Sallanoah's Kingdom (Regina Iusta)

Sallanoah's Kingdom (Regina Iusta)

Author: miss_violet
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Chapter 1 The Announcement

Word Count: 1076    |    Released on: 11/07/2022


wearing a slew of make-up in the hopes of attracting men with great power in the palace, and men were attempting to empress the women. The kingdom was filled with laughter. When they heard the sound of a bell

s, as well as high-ranking officials such as the Duke, Marquess, Viscounts, and Barons, would be present at a conference. But what meeting is it for the people of the kingdom? It's the first time in a long time

the king murmured as he sipped his

searches for a suitable location for

he baron simply smiles slyly at the king. "Your wife should not

period of waiting. When the king realizes that these people are sufficient for his crucial revelation, the purpose for con

required my services for some reason." His hair was unkempt, his two buttons w

ncement to make. I called everyone here because I want you to witness what I will say and what this is all about. This kingdom is, I should sa

thinking that his father will announce his retirement as king and that he, as the first prince, will take his

then remembered his late wife, missing the way she disciplined his sons and forced them to follow the queen as his wife and mother. But, after the queen's death, he has no idea what to do with his boys or how to care fo

e first to break the curse. When I do the King dies, the child will ascend to the throne and become the queen, and whoever she marries will become the king as well, and they will rule this kingdom. " The king said it with actions and really exaggeratin

ings work here in this silly kingdom ruled by a foolish monarch," Prince

front of so many people, yes?" the third prince murmured q

there is still no kid of our own blood of female gender, y

mply say that; we have traditions to maintain," t

appointed by his people's reaction to his surprise announcement. The king, on the other hand, is a man of his words, and n

low in his footsteps, brother," the first pr

hless selfish guy and greedy. He is always striving to be the best at whatever he does, even in games. He nev

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