img Billionaire Heiress Husband Betrayal  /  Chapter 2 Episode Two | 40.00%
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Chapter 2 Episode Two

Word Count: 977    |    Released on: 11/08/2022

rds, unconsciously sniffing the air for any unpleasant smell. It was an attitude she picked up when she was tw

tairs. He had a heartwarming smile plastered on his face, his right han

e man. She stared at him from his head down to his toe

the intimidating woman. He took two steps backwards and moved away f

ng, she gave a curt nod

ologized, patting the man's shoulder befor

as everyone stared at the both of

hispered, "that wasn't nice" into her ear. Pretending that he

wards, the length of her gown strolling behind her as she

for the first time since that morning,

her hand in praise and smiling broadly. She got closer

one is it today?" She pulled a

responded, a proud and

erself. They stared around the almost quiet room to find ev


no more mind to the two friends. Alice made to say something but

laugh, making his wife roll her eyes. He was

g you all for coming to celebrate

to what he said filled the room

…" He trailed off, staring hopefully at Alice wi

thought she saw Gold tense but she pushed the thought to the back of her mind, dismissing it as part of the stress she f

er head. "My graceful wife here has been a source of wonder, love and blessing to

f torment, agony and hate. She did not know she was capable of feeling so much hatred towards one person but here she was, feeling this level of hate f

instant, thunderous applause from the audience, coupled with their voi

e halting in her steps and losing her composure in public for the first time to she slapping Malcom hard across the face. Lo

ately wanted it to end but the more she t

ed, her voice coming out

of her actions would be scattered all over the internet. She did not care that she was being called unprintable names by people who had not the slightest idea about what was going on in

go home after eating something" Gold

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