img The Bluemoon Ball  /  Chapter 4 A compliment forgotten | 15.38%
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Chapter 4 A compliment forgotten

Word Count: 1355    |    Released on: 08/11/2022

e looked up with a sly smil

room to find the men walking up to the ladies. Others were already dancing while s

gh and an arm around her waist as she and her p

st dance to make up for his bar

athom what had gotten o

made up his mind to adhe


making trouble and

dress and took hold of her gloved h

she curtsied before he took the first

ping, he looked straight at her, due to her height. She

lack for eyes and her lips were

nched down on his jaw, ob

'd give Yellow his first d

t yourself up because yo

ed it or just welcomed rejection

r, begged t

I sincerely apologise so dance with me." and given how shocked and w

in a de

ing him, he couldn't. He surely would have done som

reat honour to have this danc

h confidence. She did not stutt

h her head held high, acting

for a woman worthy

o-Men do the walking u

ed by her perfect posture


ed lady he'd been danci

wide grin and her black orbs

pig! What was he thinking! Ig


ut him dead in his sentenc

d up. He tore his gaze from her intense o

ld floor, f


keep his m

, they were great argumentative-if that was even a word-an

ke a fool of yourself and you'll b

es this

d a shy smile on her lips and her black orbs cou

ean?" he asked

uerade ball in all my years.

her only to steal glanc

heir gaze met but only for a brief moment before

to the small of her waist as he hoisted her up–just a few ce

ers, she followed his moveme

hing to pleas

the dance, Ro


rtner, "I apologise. I was only wondering how a graceful yo

up in a smile, Ron thou

erade ball." her eyes widene

no experience, Ron quickly added, "But belie


u d

ut I have read lots of books about masquerade balls and they seem to be

anxiety worse as he thou

? Pe

behind a mask?" she looked at him from under her lashes. This time when she spoke, her voice wasn't sma

Tension eased out from his should

. You get to meet people and not be carried a

it's like putting strangers behind a mask and telling me to

sity of her gaze but still d

he was finally able

ary cre

d. "I mean, strangers can become friends. Not talking to them is a bit of a sign of," he

lped. You don't trust strangers. Trust shouldn't be given but earned, in my opin

mouth shut as he

. "Permit to believe that your inexperi

silent nod,

Most people who were dancing were already talking

oom was not in t

n used to it while others


d down in a frown and from the look in her

't you think it's past time you


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