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Chapter 5 Ep 5

Word Count: 1192    |    Released on: 03/12/2022


ve me kidnapped. What does that psycho want from me? he clearly broke up with

to sleep ther

lready. I came down too and looked around. A wo

uge and beautiful, technically I

ion, they looked perfect together. He took me inside the mansion. Beauty and class are undere

me to

no need for you to go to work today since you're obviously sti

ophie?' I asked 'Wh

go home today' I said 'There's no need to worry.

t, than

nd the room, it was big and spacious. I jumped on the queen siz

ng. I glanced at the wall clock and saw that

w Sophie's name at the top of the screen. Ugh I

cheerfully 'Hey, how a

t I would be home late today so if

need for that'

explained eve

iedly 'I'm fine, thank God D

from you? I wonder what would have ha

s house tonight don't forget to use protection. I'm not ready to be a godmot

on the door, '

in and said 'Good afternoon miss, young m

all , the delicacies on the table were mouthwatering, I dint notice Dam

arted munching on

rrassed but still complied. I was almost done with my f



ght to the dungeons where my boys h

irked, I'm only getting started. The thugs were chained

one who was shivering. I went closer to him and asked again but he kept mute. I

ts on his bruises and he

tell me all I want

us to fake a kidnap on


you everything I know please release us, we would never

ighed deeply. 'Charlotte when would you remember me or even all the time w


h the maid I sent to get her and sat down after I told her to. After sometime,

?' I asked her

alled me Charlotte so I'm just curious. Who's she?'

'Charlotte is th

n I said that. 'Wh

nd left in a hurry. I went after her but before I could

at's wron

, i just

just leave' I


I've already fallen in love with him. Was he just using me as a replac


this and don't tell anyone about it' I said. H

ecrete of your barrenness, he said. I

ting like a child Vivian, you know what I want. If I can just have you for one night, I'll keep quiet about your little secrete a

pm sharp and you must be alone, I don't

ow pretty damsel' he said and blew me a

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