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Half Faced Alpha

Half Faced Alpha

Author: Harmeen
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Chapter 1 The Dreaded King

Word Count: 474    |    Released on: 06/12/2022


adied themselves. The grand alpha of whispers was coming today, and this time, the target was a small village

time the alpha actually appeared, th

ll omega sold


pha who was towering him. He look


you not

o go." The Omega

red eyes thinned.

hy do I have to kill women t

The alpha's shielded fac

to laugh harder,

t to kill anymo

cy or compassion, and he knew he was making a big mistake. However, he

of the older wolves turned back, run

knees, with nothing cove

ss. He is just a small b

ved, even though some felt

ther to stand in front of h

was dark, evil. Like the audio

to his dangling feet, crying, knowi

knife with his left hand. "Fathers are resp

through his stomach, piercing every vital organ in its way

ticky liquid splash on his face

ropping him to the ground unceremoniously. He gave

ter how warm the blood felt on his hands. One who didn't care

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