img Destiny: The Winter Princess  /  Chapter 4 Goddess | 15.38%
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Chapter 4 Goddess

Word Count: 1417    |    Released on: 19/02/2023

to gobble me up. what was I expected to do I thought, I couldn'

him- I mean the mythical

en rain began to fall down, how was the downpour expect

ing towards me and I didn't have the foggiest idea what I was doing any lon

nto clear water. I looked down at myself and saw that I

master said and i retu

out. I watched him confusedly until

u" Master said ho

me in complete disarray. I don't r

hanging into a Dragon and t

fice" Young maste

students looking at me like

befuddled about the entire thing and even

ickly left the training room. I strolled directly to the Mast

en, at that point, nock

his office and stood behind a chair " you might

grinned again he was livin

hat your power is," He started saying

stiny, I haven't seen anything like yours before I mean I don't know Destiny but rather I have perused abilities like yours and

iny, a water goddess" he

about everything that was happened. How could I, Dest

ter had said. Will I be chosen among the best that will

le to think straight. Only just two day

saw Rachel on her bed patient

at at yours." She grinned and moved closer to the edge of her bed. "So what

work on my skills" I lied and she

ouldn't fight each other since you were, you know, transparent and a

eady knew how to do for ages, but most of the teens just got their powers a few months

ore I could ponder more on the t

ng smile on her face. I gestured my head and f

ll and to the garden in the middle of the bui

mselves while others were gossiping wi

e here even with all

Rachel whispered th

round but couldn't find the

" Rachel expressed pointing at

w that the boy was a familiar face. "

o say Hi to him" she answered snatching

smiled and waved at me. "Destiny, why is

to why you are h

ty alongside you?" Kelvin

el becoming flu

I answered and they both

he watch on his wrist

confused that something

y father 15 minutes ago " he said wh

our father" I in

e answered with

"No wonder why he is so hot. He's going to be among the chos

individuals that would be

reason we are all here?"

s short and wearing a blue jean short

she asked confronting me and

nswered un

table?" the red headed young lady aske

Friend here is also wel

the way I'm J


d here is Rac

o her table. There were three people seate

t my front and so were her friends. They

man name was frex and the other guy wearing glasses nam

e aunt started going down, I and Rachel b

out Lex. I didn't see him through out the day afte

t up to answer it. I was surprised to see Kelvin

you miss me?" he

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