img Love after Divorce (Mason and Paige)  /  Chapter 3 Private Agreements | 2.36%
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Chapter 3 Private Agreements

Word Count: 2686    |    Released on: 06/07/2023

living room, and a sitting area where Mason is seated, inviting me to sit

If you want, you can read it, but I've done it more times than you'd like to kn

. I trust Mason's word when he says there's no way to annul the con

reement. Tomorrow, if my headache subsides a bit, I can read t

want you to read. We can add whatever you want before signing it. You can read it calmly in the room on the right, and tomorrow morning we'll finalize ever

really s

mental fatigue and stress from

hank you for everything,

been the only on

any ill intent

n this because of our parents. We couldn't even voice

to ask for one myself, but I'm not accustomed to alcohol, and I might do something re

r and go to the bathroom to wash my face. Thankfully, I remove most of the makeup. I sit on the bed and s

alize that he didn't just think ab

way, and we won't prohibit anything regarding our individual tastes and fr

uration of the agreement, as teammates. In public, we'll pretend

someone else, it must be with the other person's consent, and it should only b

hether to attend social events

he agreement. We'll simply divorce and explain that it

other agreement to anyone else. It will remain str

only occur if both parties are in agreement and

enough trust to communicate any issues or grievances regard

m, they will strive to maintain a cordial relation

st communicate it in order to find a way to address it. This is to ensure that

luded seems reasonable, and I have no objections to his conditions. I think I could add

and forget everything. My head is thro

he bed wearin

self onto the bed and nothing more. I shift as I feel the light streaming in through the window, turnin

o startle you," he says, ra

e?" I ask, covering my

ecause you didn't do it last night. I noticed that you didn't jot down

irst, to see if they had stipulated anything t

but I'd like to get this sorted out as

of your sweatpants or a t-shirt to wear? I don't want

me clothes," he answe

wn father. This agreement is garbage, it makes no sense. Two drunkards signing it in front of a

the party that refuses to fulfill the agreement will have to hand over their company and fortune to the other party. It's worth mentioning

specially handing it over to a lawyer who was respo

r being opened and closed. When I look up, I see

ely agree

through the eyes of a woman. He will be my hus


nscience. It's not healthy, and it won

e," he says, smiling and han

ll sign it, I agree with everything. But I want to know, if I come up with

e idea is for us to be friends and not need to write e

yself, "There's no turning back now." I close my eyes for a mo

g clothes in my size while I have breakfast. He takes care of it. I thank him and focus on eating. I

or me. I must say, I was surprised to see everything new. I t

th my father that I don't want to see him, at least for now. I'm fo

home. You can stay for

see the profile picture, I realize it'

ou have m

at the hotel to avoid seeing mine

don't have anyone I trust enough to go to and explain what I'

ruth is, I don't

he ceiling. I don't know what to do. My classes don't sta

me. My mind starts to wander, reminiscing about my hobbies as if it had been ages

call reception and request a yoga mat to use on the floor. It arrives quickly, and I

g I've been at it, b

ose control and end up sitting on the floor. I give them a

s his throat nervously. I don

ring my fiancée along because his wife gets bored at these busine

o go home to get a dress. Or is it a casual eve

e for more clothes for you," h

her go to my parents' house and g

me to get ready without rushing," he says, ta

ind, and it's actually a good way for us to appear in love. Wha

etting to Kno

ut my presence. They are the ones who forced me to marry someone I don't know, all for their damn company. If I were a bad daughter, I woul

eper, as my mother is incapable o

d upon seeing Mason, she blushes. Well, an

dults are in the dinin

it possible that they aren't even a little concerned about me? They only care about money. I think I was blind not to realize that, despite my father's displays of affection, I n

ther's face lights up at the sight of me nex

gain. Would you like to eat with us?" my m

meeting, and I want her to stay with me for a few days, so we can get to know

g and meeting you have. You should make a good impression with your partners and friends,

ay from her grip, which

, Mother. I won't take lon

or the days I'll be away from my beloved parents, note the sarcasm.

r asking about my mother. I look at Mason and say, "I

e you again, Mr. Harper,

family, no need for formality

nd then step back. I see the hurt on my father's face due to my cold gesture, but I won't cha

t the door. I sigh, not looking forward to seeing her

ng to say goodbye?" she



Chapter 1 Paige Harper Chapter 2 Paige Harper Part Two Chapter 3 Private Agreements Chapter 4 Getting to Know Mason, Part 1 Chapter 5 Getting to Know Mason - Part 2 Chapter 6 Mason White
Chapter 7 Not everything is as it seems.
Chapter 8 New Friend
Chapter 9 Style Change for a Day
Chapter 10 Silly Grin
Chapter 11 Getting to Know the Office
Chapter 12 Night Out
Chapter 13 The Wedding Approaches
Chapter 14 Decisions
Chapter 15 Husband and Wife
Chapter 16 Gift
Chapter 17 The New House
Chapter 18 Conversations with Riley
Chapter 19 I Drank Too Much
Chapter 20 Drunk Paige
Chapter 21 Best Decision
Chapter 22 Doubts
Chapter 23 Months later
Chapter 24 8 months
Chapter 25 Discovering Lies
Chapter 26 Crazy afternoon evening
Chapter 27 Big lie!
Chapter 28 Speechless
Chapter 29 Getting to Know the Real Peyton
Chapter 30 One Year Later
Chapter 31 Internships
Chapter 32 Friends
Chapter 33 Surprise
Chapter 34 In Shock
Chapter 35 I Wasn't Expecting That
Chapter 36 Jealousy
Chapter 37 Emily
Chapter 38 Paige
Chapter 39 Suspicions
Chapter 40 Mistake
Chapter 41 Lies
Chapter 42 Telling the Truth
Chapter 43 More Lies
Chapter 44 Emily's Version
Chapter 45 Dinner
Chapter 46 Feelings
Chapter 47 Three Months Later
Chapter 48 Confused
Chapter 49 Time flies by
Chapter 50 Sick
Chapter 51 Procedures
Chapter 52 A Romantic Dinner, Without Being Romantic
Chapter 53 Peyton and her thoughts
Chapter 54 Paige
Chapter 55 The Surprise
Chapter 56 Misunderstanding
Chapter 57 Strange Night
Chapter 58 Tension
Chapter 59 Awkward Moment
Chapter 60 Awkward Moment Part 2
Chapter 61 Another Style Change
Chapter 62 The Journey Begins
Chapter 63 63: Is this a mistake or not
Chapter 64 An Opportunity
Chapter 65 Everything perfect for now
Chapter 66 Two Weeks Later
Chapter 67 Surprise!
Chapter 68 did not work.
Chapter 69 Delicate
Chapter 70 Shattered
Chapter 71 The Best Decision
Chapter 72 She Gone
Chapter 73 The Farewell
Chapter 74 Peyton and Her Lies
Chapter 75 Rio de Janeiro
Chapter 76 Ethan's Version
Chapter 77 Ethan, Part Two
Chapter 78 Emily Narrates
Chapter 79 In Brazil
Chapter 80 Emily with Peyton
Chapter 81 Emily detective mode
Chapter 82 Details about Peyton
Chapter 83 Peyton.
Chapter 84 New Job
Chapter 85 Dismissal
Chapter 86 Riley
Chapter 87 Mason
Chapter 88 Two Weeks Later...
Chapter 89 The Signing
Chapter 90 Cold
Chapter 91 Mason
Chapter 92 Paige
Chapter 93 One Month Later
Chapter 94 Surprise!
Chapter 95 What Are You Hiding, Mother
Chapter 96 Doubts and Anguish
Chapter 97 Test Results
Chapter 98 Pregnant
Chapter 99 Peyton and Her Friend
Chapter 100 Lucas and His Past
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