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Sold To Vampires

Sold To Vampires

Author: Kathia Mist
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Chapter 1 The mansion.

Word Count: 860    |    Released on: 26/07/2023

n my door first th

, it's time to

my window was definitely strong, I could barel

ou won't get any coffee be

t, Dad, I

rs in ten mi

to a house in a luxurious part of the nearest city, obviously I asked him many questions about how this would be possible, my father only explained to me that he had asked some favors from acquaintances, and so that I could attend a good school and

ll I had wasted a lot of time sleeping, picked out some comfo

ught I would sleep u

rate Dad, I was ju

bags pac

ttle late last night bec

earlier. You always l

im, but in a few hours, I would get on a train and not see him for quite a

be gone, you don't want to spend

when you're there, I don't want you


ently disorganized came back into our conversation, but I decided not to care. My father helped me put my bags in the car, whil

eat faster and faster. As soon as we arrived at the crowded station, I saw familiar faces, my friends from school were there to say goodbye to me, John, Anny

also promised to always keep in touch and make a group call at least twice a week, this way I would feel less fear of being forgotten or abandoned by them. I said goodbye to them again and finally, I said goodbye to my father, he kissed my forehead and wished me good luck, just that, no tears no sobs, just good luck and a strang

he said my name and introduced himself only as Thom, he told me that he was sent to pick me up and take me home, he helped me carry my bags

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