img Moonlit Betrayal: The Rejected Lone Wolf  /  Chapter 5 Tears in the Rain | 8.93%
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Chapter 5 Tears in the Rain

Word Count: 941    |    Released on: 25/08/2023


churned within me. I stood outside the imposing doors of the Blood Moon Pack's meeting room, my

lace. The sting of rejection had cut deep, but I couldn't simply accept it. I couldn't let Lucas's misunder

mly lit room. My gaze landed on him—Lucas, the notorious Alpha, who sat at the head

gh the vast space. I met his gaze head-on, my voice steady as I began to exp

s hand, his voice dripping with condescension.

" his voice had declared, a harsh decree th

less omega, don't you feel ashamed of so many scandals? leave n

om. I had thought that confronting him, revealing the truth, would bridge the gap between us. But in

of self-worth. I clenched my fists, my heartache masked by a façade of determination. I

stake," I insisted, my voice trembling

garded me with a mixture of amusement and disdain. "Do yo

t separated us. I had hoped that by speaking to him directly, by confronting t

I am, your wolf can feel it, I'm your mate,"

udied me with a hint of derision. "I ha

ction sinking in like a heavy stone. Lucas's words were like a sharp

w the truth," I whispered, my voice trem

of his lips, his gaze never leaving m

avy as I retraced my path toward the exit. The rain outside mirrored the storm that raged within me, the tears

thes sticking to my skin. I wrapped my arms around myself, a feeble attempt to s

sion blurred by tears and rain, the worl

deep within my soul. Lucas's heartlessness echoed in my ears, his r

oaked to the bone, the cold rain seeping into my very core. The world around me

ain mingling with my tears as I allowed mys

e the essence of a wolf. It's as if I've been a

bility, and to forge a path that was uniquely mine. Lucas's heartlessness had wounded me deeply, but it would not define me. With the rain as

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