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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1737    |    Released on: 19/09/2023


myself as I looked at the lar

f the place. Everything about it just seemed dark. However, I need t

,” I heard Ben, our chauff

smile on my face. “Thanks, Be

le retriever is already making her way inside my he

gh, I don’t even know if I can use m

p with your lugg

on of the duffel bag on my shoulder.

ince I knew that we wouldn’t have

d his hat. “See you wh

car out of the driveway. I let out a sigh once more be

in front of my body, prohibiting me f

ed my posture. “Thalia. Apprentice

ered under his breath. “Well, the apprentice guards are n

him, confused.

cial associates only. The living quarters for the ap

ass mansion was a beat-up two-story house with moss growing on its walls. Heck, I don’t th

ed my head before walki

ous from the stories that Reese told me. However, I didn’t think that it would be that bad. About thirty other apprentice guards

niforms. They stopped and stared when they saw me come into the room. I paused

ued staring. I decided that ignoring them would be the best option for now, so I trudged over to one of the empty beds. I looked around the place and saw

he middle of changing into the uniform when two people suddenly came into the lot—one man and one woman. I suppressed the smile that threatened to form on m

ing system. I’m sure all of you already know what kind of place you have entered. We are happy

next three months, what kind of rules you will abide by, and what we expect from you after all of th

, your vice-captain fo

i, your captain for

but we acted like we didn’t know each other to n

or the Romano family. We are the only mafia clan that has this system, and it has been effective in keeping internal and external threats at bay. It will be a combin

ppear kind now, but we’re not afraid to eliminate the members who are deemed incompet

odded ou

adhere to the time schedule. One thing that I hate the most is people being late. If we say that the training wi

hear, and witness while you're here shall never be divulged to anyone. Violating this rule does not only ent

new that deaths would be inevitable to witness in this place, s

pprentices, not with any of your trainers, and definitely not with any of the members of the mafia,” he jokingly added the last stat

ess. It seems like a simple rule, but so many people have been eliminated from

ouldn’t be a problem with me anyway. I came here for one thing and one

’m expecting you all to hit the gym on the second fl

eft the building, causing the cr

d heightened my senses. Their presence only became closer, so I quickly turned around, rea

ist in the air. “Woah, Woah,” she exclaimed. “Calm dow

she looked harmless enough, I knew that I shouldn’t trust h

elessness. “I didn’t expect you to be so uptight. But then again, I feel like eve

brows. “Do you

d,” she

retty sure you’re in the wrong place

ll be here for three months, so wouldn’t it be best to make some comrades to make thi

he told me

, while the other girls looked to be appalled by my presenc

ur name?”

rom her seat. “Hi, I’m Daisy Dukes.

ked, amused by the contrast between h

ng, I believe. What about you? What

. Thali

aucers, and she pointed a

ned. “

t. You’re

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