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Chapter 4 My way of asking

Word Count: 1384    |    Released on: 25/10/2023


ting for the teacher appo

cher so long?" Jennife

ed and sit

you so long?" E

. He had been avoid Mrs Charlotte. He was almost

an asked Jennifer whos

got home late last

hair, tucking it behind her ear. "Sorr

order not to let Ethan

is gaze to Annabelle. Daniel seems to be show

re of woman holding a five years old girl and also, she

the picture was killed mysteriously and the daug

exactly like the one on the paper. She found this toy in an hid

g the toy. Is she th

to school. What are you? A year old kid?" Pat

waiting for finally walked

she's always like that"

ing Daniel to frowned. She turn her head towards Daniel. "Is t

at the moment. You can ask any other person f

person here, others are jus

Daniel mutter


distance. Should she ask him or help? Dan

alked towards Ethan

ed keeping her both

want?" He a

one so rude, I just want to as

back just to see Annabelle walking towards them.

you at least

m" Annabelle cut in the face Etha

nk you are?" Patricia

she d

ade you think I w

et it. I don't wanna hurt

built than you. You think you

has the determination to do so. Move, I won't ask again

to grab her shoulder but Annabelle's grab her wrist and tw

l ten fingers" Annabelle said pushing her away. Pat

a plate on the table and walk towards Anna

t Annabelle dodge. She grab Patricia by her head and co

cia yelled, her minions

e school authority, knowi

" Liam m

grab her hand "Let's get

om him. "I told you not

sed with the wrong person sweethearts" Patricia s

is definitely going

who she is m

on't go ea

appreciating him when he helped her last time, so he r

nabelle grab a plate of pasta and gummed it her face Before hitting her lower

belle didn't flinched. Instead, she smirked b

t but Annabelle drag her back. She place her on the tab

king their ass a

Even with her tiny body she wa

nabelle muttered staring at the girls on t

r knowing she would lose. She walked backward

tically on the flo

ust happened when Annabelle held his

ents could


Annabelle let go of Ethan.

g me here to kick my

st need y

you need my help, sorry but no" Ethan said a

t a request

at her hand and then removed it. "You need

lf pinned against the wall, with his

e doing?" He managed to speak eve

way of askin

chool right? Those girls drooling ov

future instead of drooling over a boy like you

the higher authoriti... Ahh" He groan

ne!! I'll

im instantly. Ethan hissed and turn to her. "Seriously that

ncident that happened years ag


ss, all I need is yo

mitted" Ethan said. This is actually the lo

doing here

wned. "Wh

e.. every

eyes w




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