img My Forbidden Lover's Secret Baby  /  Chapter 5 On Fire | 22.73%
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Chapter 5 On Fire

Word Count: 753    |    Released on: 11/10/2023

fter for so long, she couldn’t even remember the first time she’d fallen asleep thinking about what it would be lik

st, his eyes wide with surprise, but not disdain. She couldn’t help but lean in, her lips saying what her words could not. She saw his moment of hesit

d’ve expected. At first, he only pressed his soft lips against hers, but then, as Chelsea let out a soft moan and parted her l

s slid up her sides, settling on her rib cage beneath her shimmery silver top, his thumbs gliding beneath her breasts. Her nipples hardened instantly in anticipation of his touch as she rocked up and down,

t her salty skin as his hands pushed her top even higher. Unable to control herself, Chelsea let go of the chair

s touch sent tingles through her body. Chelsea rubbed against him harder, leaning in as her teeth nipped his ear. As if he could feel her willing him

other nipple while he held the breast inside of his mouth into place. The moan that escaped her lips was loud. He’d set he

im run his tongue along that nipple as well, but before long, she found herself

g preventing them from pressing forward, even though she knew a condom would’ve been a better idea. But the embers she’d been carrying inside of her for so long were blazing now. She wanted him more than she’d ever wanted anyone in her life. Without another thought, Chelsea lifted hersel

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