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Chapter 2 Unsearchable

Word Count: 1248    |    Released on: 30/10/2023

istening steel guns in another suitcase, then he waddled to the kitchen downstairs. He opened a cupboard where he kept glinting sharp knives, took five of

e around, got out, and locked the door. Having mixed feelings and holding two b

et, started the car engine, and drove off. From a few distances away, he turned back and was alarmed when he saw that ghastly demon standing at his home door, scowling at him and gritting her teeth but he quickly turned away, e

r began to ha

dge Newington. It was a private area so fewer people were seen. On either side of the walkway, beautiful flowers bloom all around. He got

seconds, the doors slid open, and he got out while other people entered. Walking on the shimmering neat floor with his luggage, passing various doors he reached his room, slipped his card into an opening below the doorknob, and was about to go in when he noticed a lady i

rated instantly to a violent whack against his chest and hurting upon who he

rofuse blood was gushing out of her eye soc

neighbor! How d

Clayton let

y?" A lady a

rs, casting curious stares at him. "I'm so sorry," He said. " I didn't mean to disturb you. Then he lowered his gaze upon the pretty lady in front


sked. "And why the hell did you yell like I

ttered, casting a spe

riefly and wanted

id. "Is that

d and got in her room, l


kept the briefcases on the big well-dressed bed with three soft pillow

n he researched how he could get to Heathrow Airport, British Airway from Newington, and he figured out that it would take 1 hour by car to Heathrow airport. He was going to reside in Alicante, so he

he door, got his meal from a hostess, dropped the tray o

im, indicating he'd successfull

every trip took, so he successfully booked a fligh

ld outside. Covering his shoulder-length spiky hair in the hoodie's cap, he

d themselves, discussing, while others moved to an


s that he's relocated to Spain? And

ess and tried to wave it off and concl

ught him the Whisky Sour in a ro

journey. So weird. He doesn't even know anyone over there

sessed. Then he sighed and ru

anta Lucia, so he must go. For safety



ring and had carried h

rt, British Airlines. And luckily he met the flig

like his head was in the cloud. Spain was completely different and magnificent. It appeared he was in

What has he


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