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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 2246    |    Released on: 02/11/2023


peia F

ation returned to reality, because of the shouting of my f

ooks like I'm going to have a hard time with this one, aside from his ugl

the folders that were lying on my desk. After a while, my boss

th death, "he-hello, sir, do you need anything?" I

r where Sir's appointments were listed. The papers were scattered o

how that i'm weak in front of other people but there's really class someone who really wants to hurt you.I sniff, and I can't stop my tears from falling I started sobbing,"I-I'm so

hoked a duck earlier, it's chilling. I just wiped the tears from my eyes and continued searchi

with me just stay here a

ed to join him,' I

d. Sir left without me, I checked the whole area, I didn't move because I think

cuments until I heard footsteps, you could really hear them because t

ke you with him?," I breathed a sigh of relief becaus

e doesn't want to take me

I call you, " he was a kind person so how can he bear to stay here and I envy him so muc

I also get some information about the people my boss hangs out with,

er employee who is from the sales department," well good luck at work, Sam, you'll be lucky if you st

been Sir's personal assistant since he was 11 and Evan was

ecause he doesn't want tomost people lose their jobs here because the sa

people close to our boss are da

Elizabeth, can you at least use your litt

have a brain?"

to your question," Chester said, but I was

bout what I found out but I didn't react first because what would they think," So if you meet him don't look h

until the end of the conversation I didn't show any reaction I just kept

of the 7 rulers in the underground world, since the begi

ned around when I heard a male voice in front of me because I was

hat I ca-can do for you?,"I stammered to the man, I also changed the sound of m

s why I looked up out of nowhere, his more handsome when he smiles lik

ng right away but I

ust not used to talking to ot

too since I shocked you but it's okay

uther Ace, it doesn't suit you

what you use t

had changed, the feeling was heavy. I looked at the man called Luther, he w

I closed my eyes tightly in no time. what the heck why did he come back now, F*ck I'm about to gasp I just remember that I

one of the boss's companions "how many times do i need to tell you that stop spreading your tension out

s stabbing me with a glare what did I e

I said to the man wh

our body immediately gave in," it said, I was

that's why she is in my responsibility," I re

ike that Taker, if I'm not mistaken you never take

ease the tension around me. the five of them looked at each

ission to go home?" Bo

that Sir Evan signed me all the conditions for my stay here in their company and if som

ng" Said the boss's colleag

nd leave," said the boss, w

you still

, I just gave the peace sign and quickly left. I hope I still have a job to go back to t

o I bowed and said goodbye but before I could p

ft the building I returned my old facial expression I diale


f the 7 rulers of the under

on the other line, it's really hard to get even a little informatio

I called Dad, I told him everything I gathered about my

call him first, I have to be careful especially with my movements, even if it

o we rode the elevator together to the last floor, neit

iding me what to do. I didn't have a hard time because he was a good guide.I was currently fixing my desk when the door opened and a woman who could al

e office without setting an appointment,

ntment just to meet my fiancee so back off,"

ng an appointment so please," I was surprised when she suddenly slapped me causin

ood from my lips, it looks like it was crushed, because her hand is wide and

d cheeks and bleeding lips, Boss stared at me as if his

OU B*TCH?!," the woman Boss called Sabrina backed awa

o me?" she said, I was speechless while listening to their conversa

f*CKING expect to much," Sir said I want to leave." I don't even f*cking lo

odded in response, I wanted to ask who

eadly look. I also looked at her evilly. Did she

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