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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 2496    |    Released on: 07/11/2023



. President, are you real

ink he w

, her companions were go

ck at him a

y as if I said something ba

y interferes in our conversation with Niño, that's why it's forbidden,


enly laughed. Why is he l

ept looking at me. What

is Taehyung Leannah?"

d V, I saw his eyebrows m

et him there at the tip. He

ent, he's good at singing and then dancing! His smile is

ut to show them to him when he hurriedl

Niño whose face was red because he seemed to h

to Niño?" I won

. "Maybe someone

ed him my noteboo

n't he handsome?" I a

ghed out loud as if h


t? is there anything fu

people here. I thou


k time ended so I

king down a road and I thi

My face lit up when I saw the ‘CAFETERI

Niño and pul

ting hungry so

so I was

there, we're at Kuya D

cafeteria with my forehead furrowed

the Cafeteria counter there?"

learned something new. Earl

d she call you? Naks second name basis you ar

is this b

did you say no forever? Didn't your mama and papa stay togethe

t my question and

whispered to hims

d .." I smile

opened the door and


udent named Taehyung here, m

entering. Why are they



ear Lance scream? Gues

n so I was surprised. Because I was cu

use all the members of the Council open

ed at Lance who was als

a smile

ted, where's my lunch

yon asked me

surprise so I wa

ssed the cafeteria because we're supposed to eat he


listening and turned back to Lance who had

o food so my tears rolled down

I didn't eat breakfast ea

e outsider? I don't want to kill because my points w

ance is like Taehyung, I still won'

ill eat here but why no food?

others. it was only then that I

n them just to eat

lil is .." I he

h the proper exit because K

d smiled. As I looked a


or me?" I was ex

r behind me but I ignored i

just fix it, sit

in order I immediately left it and ignored the eye

oo! Come wit

but sit down and

what did you find Ta

ting and loo

he looking?

reak his neck, I



ped the fries I was carryi


stared at Lance who w

im. He swallowed a few times and averted his

Leannah? Stop that it's making me h


l when all of a sudden they were all laughi

m I d

d and went bac

innocent Angel .."I heard Kalil

il is stu


ght away. I preceded Niño be

a little early because there are

fore the next

students lying on the quandrangle. There

ere? Is it nice? it's also not plasti

it is but why don't they tag it to find out rig

They look temperamental because the uniforms are mess

up with you nerds here," said o

hat my section is ful

ere who were already here. There are only five of u

n this section?

lass approached me and there

on't let that hur

n someone spoke. What's up? They are not

ack on your section for a long time because your president always has special

felt scared. T

on't want him to get angry


d sarcastically and

h her, what if I ruin her face ?let's see if anyone el

them! Why am I just coming? I just want to be safe

eat them up! "shouted the ma

erds while the other one they di

when I felt som

the woman with him. I moaned ag

hair so I easily lost it jus

w that it was bloody so

e woman sai


o I stood up and was about to approach the door when I

and could not m

ing said the woman to the man I

d at the nerds and sa

e," I whispered and m

self in this situation. I was a bur

or me t

s crying like a baby, poor baby .."

to me so out of fear I kicked o

issing me off, Roa!" He shouted.

I felt like I had risen. I was picked u

e me!"

so I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip when I felt myself fall o

isper and I could no longer mov

ad lord for me t


ce I heard a shout and ther



en he was finished being thr

nd the dark face of the man they feared


an had failed Allian so hi

" Devin sai

t of the man who bumped into Allian and kept pu


nd felt very scared when they sa

cheap at the same time as it was raining heavy blows eve

Kleyon looked

n kill! Tagalog is c

is eyes looking at what his frie

o it? How many has he killed? And how many more c

busy reading the book and didn't

rying he appr

d if I did that it wouldn't happen, s-sorry Ate Al

to run away when Kalil suddenly spok

and take them to the Torture

n immediate

continues to punch the man an

cious!" Kleyon shouted

unconscious. so he immediately appr

ay for hurting you .." he whispered and kissed her forehead. He w

xpression of the President of the St

s king really tamed by a girl

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