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Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 1686    |    Released on: 07/11/2023


d around. I cringed when I saw

ouldn't be here with Caitlin. I only smelled

ar. He told me to say goodbye to dad t

e so that I can enjoy my life. I can't do anything if I

sed all over him. There is no denying that he is handsome. his gray eyes that are beauti


He said and looked around and see

ance floor," I

nter and stared at me int

I said

it like he di


eading to my place. She's wearing a red leather bustier dress that she straightened with h

t just because Caitlin

ce!" Caitlin dan

g? Doesn't he know that I'm not th

," I answered him. He frow

e said to me but I

have fun if you don't go wit

at and I especially don't

bar, oh! Let's enjoy it," he said

held my breath even though I was hesitant to t

k. I winced as I swallowed t

delicious?" Sh

good ab

nk it. I stood up, so I immediately felt a tingling and warm f

like I'm going to thr

any you?" Caitlin asked m

I walked towards the ba

ashed my face to somehow get

I bumped into someone and

go," I s

let go of me but he also c

I heard

he last thing I heard

as I felt something sucking

I saw a man who ran towards me but I could

s went down. he stopped kissing my chest and sucking on my chest and he leveled

him more. I moaned when I felt him rubbing m

was kissing it. he aligned our faces again before ki

ve a cover anymore. My hips rose

top it...

ck my womanhood. I don't know but I just

grunted as he contin

t that I was about to come ou

op! O

od. It's like I lost my drunkenness because of what he

es widened when I recognized you. He looked at me hard before moving

d me while he was holding my bl

you doing?

nd maybe I won't be able to hold ba

ies while looking at me hard. I bit m

up and came to me. My ches

is polo shirt an

said softly

the small table and took

." I softly c

but I know he heard

I was about to get up. "No.


ut up and maybe something will happen to u

oke up, I looked outside

ing down because someone ran over me. My eye

to me and that's what appeared to me. Th

st night. I quickly realized that I remembered everythi

that was on my waist. when I did that for a long time, I looke

at him again which I shouldn't have

t me. I tried to smile at him

going home," I sa

ft so now I can see his whole body

because of what he said and fra

him. I'm ashamed that he took me, especially

I can't really think abou

?" I looked up at my Hercules no

. I'm going home

at what I was wearing. Yes it is. I'm still wearing his polo shirt and I don't have

y dress?"

hort. I don't like i

ng wrong with what I was wearing ye

I'm wearing. Where is it? I'm goi

d and quickly turned his b

n his condo because of the bla

there so I looked for my dress again but I couldn't fin

es' room. He was holding a paper bag so I

ght you to you." I even saw the redness of his ears

e happening to me. I'm fucking blushing! I winced whe

ht! Happ

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