img Love Isn't Enough  /  Chapter 3 Crossing Lines | 4.84%
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Chapter 3 Crossing Lines

Word Count: 1773    |    Released on: 25/11/2023

ide. It was creepy as hell, how that dude's voice was eerily familiar to ~his voice. But there was no way that

I know his friends – or lack there

needed to c

all, because that would be like my

two people had the same voices with the sam

Daniels. You might have heard of


world was

ly was playing a w

sibility that Reece had n

to Reece but never ever mentioned my name, so Reec

herently, his reaction when he had confirmed my name and my single status. And even no

n come in with that man and walk out the hospital with every body part intact – or perhaps, walk out alive?" I took in a deep breath. If this

t Sebastian didn't know

on my behalf, make an about turn, leave this city and never show your face to me again. Do

did Reece t

u weren't bus

he only reason

'm not going to meet anyone now so it's be

other side. Sebastian, ever the gentleman, warned Reece

thought him to be. Rather than just

eet you later." Say

he scarf and a mask from my purse and put them

eally charming till everything went their way and the moment there was a minor inconvenience, you would see their devil side. He

ther guy in my office? He real

name never appea

ched about his friends and focused

out a

y office and go straight to my son's school wi

t of Sebastian spotting me. How would he

was not ready

be a bl

nd didn't stop me for chit chat. It was a large area to cross and sweat already covered my forehead. My heart was beatin

ld he get mad, crazy mad, and get into a screaming contest with me? Or would he be silent, watch and assess the situation in his usual cun

ped that Sebastian left this city peacefully,

that I lost track of my path and

ted t

s Seb

r just a small moment before I ran away. It was all so familiar, and it all felt t

my brain. I was glad that I ran away before Sebastian co

t, and I realized how much I still missed him. It shattered all my beliefs that I could ever

love, and it also reminded me of our son who had the same eyes. It was so hard to forget, and I felt like I wen

over such a small thing anymore. It was no

n incoming call and I man

as R

u ran away before

en to his bullshit anymore. He was crossing seriou

d have recognized you. Then all th

Sebastian would care, Reec

he past six years so I can assume

that implication. Would he

not supposed to be a romantic th

ur happy ending, but it does not mean that you have to intrude

g to match-make at all if that was what you're thinking." Oh reall

call. That's between Sebastian and me. If we want to hate each other,

ether, you two will have your ha

deep breat

one that long ago." I took in a deep breath, trying to calm myself down, "You know what, Reece, please go

." He sighed, "I...I don't w

for mine or Sebastian's emotions. You don't care how we feel about this

his time. It was good if he was introspecting – h

back together , that I didn't take your feelings into account." He was sad, "I'm so sorry.

ready reached the school, "I'll have to h

orry, Noelle.

ou." I smile

did I realize that Re

d I didn't even pay attent

ked my

er, an angry parent and


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