img Second Chance With The Blind Alpha  /  Chapter 3 LU'S P.O.V | 18.75%
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Chapter 3 LU'S P.O.V

Word Count: 1037    |    Released on: 23/11/2023

g around in circles!

It’s not like we’re trying to go

sniffing around, but it was already too late. I s

ut here all alone?” I hea

d back to my pack

e man smirked k

some food for the dinner I wa

he wolves around me. I could tell they were rogues based on

d to walk, trying to get out of the circle of deat

n, after all, lots of wolves would love to prey on an omega….” The man said with a smirk that gave me the g

y we can fight them all, we have to make a run for it’ Lilac said to me. But before we could move I felt myself being

arted rhyming off. I kept struggling to get away, the wolves teeth and claws digging into Lilac, causing us to yel

as fast as I could with an injured leg, leaving a trail of blood behind me. I jumped into the freezing water to hide my tracks and

o take her” ano

! You’ve heard of their alpha” th

forward. The wind was picking up and with the injury I knew I couldn’t go much further. I heard Lilac whimper in my head in pain a

o find a way to keep warm’ I said to her and felt her rel

ks. I curled myself into a ball, snapping off a tree branch to use as a blanket considering that I was stark naked. I really wish I had stopped to grab some clothes… I sighed, curling closer to the tree trunk. I felt my eyes dro

while la

leep from running so much. I went to stand but my leg protested and I collapsed with a wince. This is bad…. What if it

lose behind me. I went to turn around, facing a na

trespass” I start

s are there” he

back, trying to hide my more

nt growl. My head bowed on it’s own and I knew it was an alpha. I c

as he walked towards the man who was shouting at me. I looked at his face and noticed 4 large, angry scars slashed across his face and his eyes looked clouded ove

nce at the strange man before I passed out co

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