img Whispers on the shadows  /  Chapter 1 The onmious artefact | 16.67%
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Whispers on the shadows

Whispers on the shadows

Author: sk the great
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Chapter 1 The onmious artefact

Word Count: 374    |    Released on: 25/12/2023

, Marcus, Sarah, and Jake—decided to embark on a weekend adventure to escape the monotony of their lives. Drawn by sto

light. Its crumbling façade hinted at a history steeped in secrets. Excitement mingled with

ndlelight. In the center lay an artifact, a grotesque idol that seemed to pulse with a malevolent energy. Unbeknownst

unseen tendrils, and the air grew thick with a palpable tension. Without uttering a word, the friends exchange

ad set in motion a chain of events that would awaken an ancient evil. Whispers, too faint to be heard

iends, drawn by an unseen force, became unwitting conduits for the malevolence that lay dormant for centu

r adventure, now cradled a darkness that hungered for their very souls. As the clock ticked toward midnight, the first whispers of an

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