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Chapter 5 FIVE

Word Count: 2633    |    Released on: 08/01/2024

nd fell on her k

rgive me!"

ase.......forgive me,just this once

was just a second after that h

My Lord"

huri didn't waste any second before gett

and turn your

n her head and swallowed har

y climbed on the bed,how was she supposed to back him? Laying on

nd and lie on her chest,but even a minor would know that he wouldn't be able to do anything in s

ew he was undressing,is that why he wanted her to back him

e finally felt him behind her on the bed,her ey

is the second time he's calling her name and somehow his pronunciation always hit diffe

el that she's absolutely nothing to be touched by him?? Holding her might as well make her feel less scared and

t was reckless and unforgi

eamed and held the

s she did....was it her virginity that night or she was just hurt from the forceful thrust? She doesn't really know for real,because there was no one for

's here

hter than she held her lifespan when she

ut that scream which came from her

pure torture,nothing else co

but that relief didn't last a second before he th

t angry again?? But then he started giving her wildest and roughest ride of her

,suddenly,he moved in an impossible way w

e trying to get up but something else her down,he wasn't h

d or sound came from him but the torture only incr

hook her head with tear

ouldn't breathe,her honeypot felt so hot and it stings,

minute before she fel

t of torture again. He penetrated so deeply

...." She gent

e punished her,tortured her,made her bled,yes

er body was covered with sweat,her face was covered with tears and

n anything she's been passing through. Zhuri was ge

she heard a door closed loudly and she swallows hard before getting up gently and slowly,not l

,holding unto the wall to support herself,sh

hair and got up again,she could hear from afar as the emperor was order

her as she walked,but nobody dare




same uniforms,Zhuri had asked if she did that for every maids in the palace but never got a reply,but she was thank

in from last night,she was hoping it would take at least two days

kin is so smooth,clean,white and spotless unlike her old body,she was covered with scars from h

nd tried pulling it down,still it wasn't comf

udly,hitting the wall behin

ok so angry that she was scare

d dropped a watering can,then a parking basket,some

e? You must be Crazy!" The first girl

e stuffs r

ly bent down an

her o

of the room and sh

o live" the meanest looking girl among th

rom afar,she smiled a

e said and Ne

all my lady,,she will definitely be ha

urned to walk away,Neriah stared at them



some as always. It's really hard to describe,he look more better as the days pass by,he

s white skin,everything about him is enough for any noble lady or even a low lady to fall for him and want him

last slide of the outfit a

ys wear either white or black,any other color is like a taboo for him becau

t and went with a black one wit


nd the maids exchanged glances,,they sh

y bring,breakfast,lunch,dinner,they will alwa

e in a week and they would wonder if ther

t o

catter,they ran out an

mans" He

to the room a

bowed and the Em

his time Ashe

to report themselves" Asher said wit

n't life too bitter to hate death this much?"

ay? You've never thought of dying?" He ask

ive a long life,there's a lot of th

Emperor Aug

woman and start

eror cut him off

s wish your majesty

ay" The emp

ed and The Emperor rolled his eyes before

rning your

ou live

yelled at the person who sa

He asked and ev

!" He

" Asher immediate

ters,from now on...I don't want to h

majesty" A

ontinue walking st

long as this world continues,he will continue livi

rking and she also saw him,she immediat

ips and conti



shed working,those maids made sure she did ev

out of the situation,everyone was glaring at her

f her clothes,it was covered with dirts and sweats,she entered the bathroom and took a cold

tummy as it made a l

opened,disadvantage of

t was someone unex

ely bowed but Ximena was

his majesty?" She asked the qu

a question!" X

ght" Zhuri replied w

ith him" Ximena said and Zh

ser and Zhuri sw

to his chamber tonight even if he calls for you,He'

ignore.....his call......" A sla

slave!!" She yelled and Zhuri bite

you understand?!! Or I will make you

ady" Zhuri sa

time before storming out of th

as the séx slave,all she was thinking about w

inning to see it,everyone would look down on her,even the maids...she's in a lower p

n outcast,she's absolutely nothing to be compared to,she's nothing but an empty young lady in the pal



that he was at the last rage of his anger. It's been two good hours sinc

and the door opened

her room straight her to my chamber,on the ground!! Or I will kill you first if I d

Asher bowed at on

terally the first to ever waste a minute after getti

were always forcing themselves out of his body,h

uards dragging her roughly on the ground and som

closer and closer and th

your m

rn on different sides,he could see the scratches and blood al

ly ignored my c

your majesty"

man ignore my words!!!" He growle


ut eve


ri and looked at her neck,he be

ouldn't breathe,the Emperor lifted her u

ged to call,her hand

i started vomiting blood,she was shaking her legs with every

Emperor Augu

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