img The Vampire King's Feeder  /  Chapter 5 Move The Moon | 12.82%
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Chapter 5 Move The Moon

Word Count: 2015    |    Released on: 05/01/2024


rden, Rainer, my best friend and second, at my side. I can tell he is dying to say something, but

den, located on the south lawn, about fifty yards from

n better than to expect Alpha Bernard to show up here with the money he owed me—in its entirety,

hat’s barely out of diapers compared to me at a hundred and fo

, the one with the long red locks and the stunning jade eyes, had interjected herself between the insane proposi

s of lies she’s been fed over

ct themselves to that sort of an uncertain future. What I’m going to do with her, I don

which room to take her

him which room I had been thinking of when Rainer pushes the exterior door open, and even though she’s fa

houting. “What the actual fuck is the matter with

im when he hooks a thumb over his shoulder and says, “I’ve gotta go. There’s a… former governess with a skewer waiting for me in the library who wants to shove the

he’s not going anywhere. “You always have

heart want what

breath because that’s what one is supposed to do

he likes of Alpha Bernard. I would say that’s a good thing, but the sun always makes me a bit naus

y what humans wil

of excellent reviews, the more irritated I become until I’m ready to claw my ears off just so I don’t have to listen to her. A curse on the asshole servant

d red roses?” Opal is shouting as Rainer and I step

three other girls with her, and while they are pretty enough, none of them can hold a candle to Opal. Her raven hair is pulled up in a perfect bun on top of her head, with litt

r and I about how an alliance would do both of our kingdoms well. Not only could we work together against our enemies, there was a good chance offspring could

nly being I’m certain exists beyond vampires, h

ntinues to scream at

h, her usual stance from what I can tell. But even she has

o me, you stupid bitch?”

ing, Princess,” Blanca says. “

about it ten minutes ago!” Opal is flinging her hands around, causing her long, layered re

Rainer tries again. I elbow him in th

eady to figure out what is going on. “Opal?” I say, causing her to jump a little at the sound

rl” face and blinking her long eyelashes in my direction. “

There are some wolf shifters in the castle that are quite useful and good people, but s

focus off of her. “It was fine,” I tell Opal. “

pal says, releasing my arm so that she can ge

again. We’ve talked about how she needs to behave like a polished princess

the middle of your mother’s antique roses, beneath the light of the full

t of a bottle, and one with orangish-red hair that isn’t nearly as stunn

ood reason for her dying on this sword. “Blan

eak to me, even when I’m not trying to be intimidating. “Your Majesty, the princess wo

. “She wants the moon to be in a specific spot over the rose

h, her light eyes blinking in rel

hange the date. But you can’t move the moon.” The third option, the one where she changes the date… that’s the one I’m hoping for. I have rushed into this marriage of convenience for my clan’s sake not realizing it is

three in the morning, during the fall equinox, here, in the rose garden, and I want it over t

man-child. “Well, there’s nothing else that can be done. Why can’t the moon be slightly to the so

e she leans close to me and whispers,

eeds to hear, I lean over and give her a quick peck on her cheek. “I have business to attend

erhaps she thinks there is. I am being polite. I am going through the motions.

e, I see a familiar form lean

ng fo

s something to tell me that he thinks is amu

iner says, as much contempt in h

idea,” I admit as I

as he says, “H

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