img LOVE YOU, UNCLE!  /  Chapter 5 LYU 5 | 5.88%
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Chapter 5 LYU 5

Word Count: 2194    |    Released on: 13/01/2024

ting the girl's house th

er son's question. Not only that, they were

son to come home from work earlier than usual. She then took him and h

iving notice and getting the green light for the visit, they hurriedly left and didn't want to waste any more time.

our future wife. Besides, you need to meet your future in-laws first and disc

already spoken, there was no room for argument, let alone rejection. When his mom got

they got out of the car, the three of them were warmly greeted and ushered into the living room. The homeowner, Maxwel

She and Maxwell had been friends since their college days. Adrian, her husband, also knew Maxwell and had pa

d for project surveys?" Maxwell asked, then shifted his gaze to Randy, who was sitting right next to Verona. Wit

sk you for ice cream all the time. Look at him now, he's grown up.

up now. Ghea is lucky to have been

hose your daughter, Gun. He said it just clicked since their fir

as starting to realize that perhaps his ability to talk and flirt a

. She was making a real effort to build chemistry and m

?" Verona asked afterward, as if impat

ll be back shortly. Ghea never goes out or tak

Wearing casual clothes and carrying a shopper bag filled with textbooks, Ghea entered the house. As

weetheart. Someone

nt to see her at this time of day. Moreover, it was unusual for her father

hea? Wh

you should come

her father, she reluctantly obeyed. With reluctance, she dragged her feet, then app

cquainted. They've come from far aw

she noticed the presence of a man who she seemed to reco


made Randy's eyes widen in astonishment. Did this woman really consider him an

he was mature, there was no doubt about his appearance. He

aid that Verona and Adrian might be offended by what his daughter had just said. After all, first meetings should

s defending what Ghea had done to him. "From the first time we met a while ago, Ghea has always called me t

k so casually to everyone present. How could he make such a statement

at's not it

ut in. He didn't allow his daughter to finish her sentence first. "Dad didn't

two are destined and perfect for each other. That's

t. Shifting his gaze, he s

at with him on the back porch. It's a chance for you to get closer. Dad and Aunt


u mentioned yesterday that if I visited, you wanted to show me

aimed. "I have

ed once again. "Come on q

and moved to the house's terrace, located right next to the swimmin


tested as she and Randy sat in one of the g

d to be polite or maintain her image in front of her conversation partner. If necessary, she

im that the 'uncle' title

a rambled and complained. She was clearl

, you're the only one who's different and daring enough to call me

op! That's not how it works.

candidates that my mom presented, I'm more interested in you. So, what do you say? When do you w

rified expression. Why did he suddenly come and casually talk abo

Is Uncle s

ober an

s to marr

se," Randy sa

t by our parents? Besides, seriously? Uncle, have some self-awareness. You can't possi

a playboy or a crocodile before because of his habit of changing partners freq

guys my age who are as handsome as me," R

ge is way older than

couldn't deny t

ge. But it doesn't matter if

cheesy, Uncle. Your chee

that they don't have to take care of yo

red extra patience. He was not only pushy but al

s already confident and certain that he wanted to marry her. Even though Ghea was a good girl, she still found it

don't agree and never want to marry you. So, please don't insist. Don't push me into accepting this arran

e house. And just to make sure she wasn't left behind, Randy q

hen he noticed his daughter and future son-in-l

Ghea said intentionally, then glanced at Randy, who just smiled. "Uncle Randy a

eard what she had asked earlier. She wanted Randy to make

two talked?" M

ave a serious talk with Dad and Aunt Veron

o stood right behind his daughter. As if to confirm

hold the official engagement event soon, possib

nse. She didn't turn her gaze away for a

t agree

tantly breathed a sigh of relief. She was truly thank

rry Ghea, Ran? But you chose her, didn

agree with m

n wh

should be held next month. I want it to b

t of her chest after hearing what Randy had just said. Why



Chapter 1 LYU 1 Chapter 2 LYU 2 Chapter 3 LYU 3 Chapter 4 LYU 4 Chapter 5 LYU 5 Chapter 6 LYU 6
Chapter 7 LYU 7
Chapter 8 LYU 8
Chapter 9 LYU 9
Chapter 10 LYU 10
Chapter 11 LYU 11
Chapter 12 LYU 12
Chapter 13 LYU 13
Chapter 14 LYU 14
Chapter 15 LYU 15
Chapter 16 LYU 16
Chapter 17 LYU 17
Chapter 18 LYU 18
Chapter 19 LYU 19
Chapter 20 LYU 20
Chapter 21 LYU 21
Chapter 22 LYU 22
Chapter 23 LYU 23
Chapter 24 LYU 24
Chapter 25 LYU 25
Chapter 26 LYU 26
Chapter 27 LYU 27
Chapter 28 LYU 28
Chapter 29 LYU 29
Chapter 30 LYU 30
Chapter 31 LYU 31
Chapter 32 LYU 32
Chapter 33 LYU 33
Chapter 34 LYU 34
Chapter 35 LYU 35
Chapter 36 LYU 36
Chapter 37 LYU 37
Chapter 38 LYU 38
Chapter 39 LYU 39
Chapter 40 LYU 40
Chapter 41 LYU 41
Chapter 42 LYU 42
Chapter 43 LYU 43
Chapter 44 LYU 44
Chapter 45 LYU 45
Chapter 46 LYU 46
Chapter 47 LYU 47
Chapter 48 LYU 48
Chapter 49 LYU 49
Chapter 50 LYU 50
Chapter 51 LYU 51
Chapter 52 LYU 52
Chapter 53 LYU 53
Chapter 54 LYU 54
Chapter 55 LYU 55
Chapter 56 LYU 56
Chapter 57 LYU 57
Chapter 58 LYU 58
Chapter 59 LYU 59
Chapter 60 LYU 60
Chapter 61 LYU 61
Chapter 62 LYU 62
Chapter 63 LYU 63
Chapter 64 LYU 64
Chapter 65 LYU 65
Chapter 66 LYU 66
Chapter 67 LYU 67
Chapter 68 LYU 68
Chapter 69 LYU 69
Chapter 70 LYU 70
Chapter 71 LYU 71
Chapter 72 LYU 72
Chapter 73 LYU 73
Chapter 74 LYU 74
Chapter 75 LYU 75
Chapter 76 LYU 76
Chapter 77 LYU 77
Chapter 78 LYU 78
Chapter 79 LYU 79
Chapter 80 LYU 80
Chapter 81 LYU 81
Chapter 82 LYU 82
Chapter 83 LYU 83
Chapter 84 LYU 84
Chapter 85 LYU 85
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