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Picked up the System

Picked up the System

Author: Chinsu
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Chapter 1 Return to the past

Word Count: 812    |    Released on: 17/01/2024


amily, happy times with Do Y Vy. The last thing he witnessed in life was her lifeless eyes when she saw him collapse to the ground, h

made Lang Than want

re we st

climbed out of bed and ran quickly out the door. In front of us is a middle-aged man in his forties wearing a b


ng Than's father, was stunned and felt that his son was very strange today. Normally, he

you have a

rehead and said something, suddenly fee

n... are y

ce he was a child, she had never seen him cry. Today, she suddenly ran

want to say I mi

to wipe away his

h your face

at Lang Kinh Thien utt

nly been suffering and sadness. Only now did he have time to think again: "Everything is so strange, am I dreaming?". After everythi

, 2010, tomorrow is the

gain, thinking about the time spent in the dr

m? Everything

s kept repeat

o school tomorrow t

continued with

er 29

morning, Lang

rything yesterday

have to face that painful scene again. As he walked

leave without be

ed 1 hour and then climbed into the family's old 5-seat SUV. When we arrived, what we saw was a h

ng is so

g in the dream, the first class was for the homeroom teacher to introduce everyone to each other, the beautiful teacher Luu Dinh, enthusiastic as

what's your name?

l body with dark skin typical

ang Tha

t person to talk to him here, also his first and closest friend in t


Dinh (I only said she was a beautiful woman, but you guys create an image in your mind, I'll just describe it). Ju

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