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Fighting Faith

Fighting Faith

Author: LeiramR.
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Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 3592    |    Released on: 20/01/2024

th A

go and pick up the fake graduation certificate, everyone knew this was a piece of

and ready to help my grandma full time, age is really getting into her and s

small part of Indiana we lived in. This was the best for us, quiet, separate from

for long which had influenced on my social status, I'm a loner, I don't like to make friends. I learned that the

eats slowing down to their usual pace

he's a bag of feelings. She said I reminded her a lot of my mom,

time as a child, as a teenager was over and I had to dive int

and my 18th birthday coming along. I told her I didn't have plans to go to college, the only excuse I could give her was that "I don't believe in the educational system, if yo

tart a new life. Incredible as it seems. We've never been to New York, that was our next stop and she was ea

a boyfriend. The only time I tried, we moved out as soon as I told her because grams didn't w

it for someone that I felt connected to. When I asked back

oing to know now as my s

didn't have anyone to go with

having a dinner at the local restaurant and then headed home, she said she's been preparing fo

sed to walking on heels, I've had a little practic


that tall but was taller than my grandma and with th

ents were here to see you

ed over my cheek which I removed rapidly to avoid worrying grams. She was the one who cou

these moving, I know this was not normal. Her excuse, which worked all the time, is her gardening, she got tired of planting the same stuff and

ne else heard that idea, there was probably a lot of people going there as well. I laughed internally, she w

silence, both grandma and I were not that chatty. We like p

who was coming here today came directly from the gr

nically under age and my grams should not be

go to college? We can afford it"

so I reassured her "I don't think I'd like to continue the studi

nstantly, so wh

e yelling for me from the o

the football team who I recently heard broke up with the captain of the cheerle

nued yelling even when my grams was looking at him with killer eyes

knowing my grams won't let me go

said that, she would be way too upset I went out during night time, I could only work at the g

fever?" I joked with her knowin

me forward to our table and was

her if you'd like. We promise to bring her back before 12" he kept insisting. 11 PM was her curfew, I

ct body due to all the exercise he had to do, perfect blue eyes, perfect smile. He was what every girl in the school wanted an

, darling, Faith but the moment where I shouldn't embarrass

n on his face that made me the most pathetic girl. Suddenly a cellphone

nes are always watching us and recording everything for the governm

as his explanation, probably o


no internet, no calls, she just used it to text someone I didn't know and when she received a te

umber and went back to his t

up to no good" was the only thing she sa

ation, even when we couldn't drink alcohol

oked scared and every time we mentioned the 18th birthday celebration she would be even more nervous, it's not even like we'll do

though she was the one starting the conversation it still

ing that if it was something big she wou

tomorrow?" she suddenly asked changing the topic,

everything together. I still don't know what is the whole preparation fo

ou go to the party… eight

rupted by the waitress with a big smile so both of our heads looked

he check please?" grams as

ation she didn't want to hold

g that we were leaving, she laughed but

fee table in front of the TV, it was small and

les as the computer applies, only the home internet and not wei

cited for getting a phone, I was soon-to

around and I know how to use a phone but still, I am very new to this. This was not the latest model, it still had the little button to unlock the phone

mber and texted him a s

e of the shower deciding what to wear. I heard the ping from the ph

out with my mom,

d she wants to talk to me about something important bu

es, I didn't reply but reac

ver wore before and was hidden at the bottom of my closet and

in hand ready to head out but

l with that douchebag that invited you, most likely he'll have da

em but I looked pale and skinny like my dad, even though my grams said he

y, I was blushing due to the excitement of going out, this was actu

le caressing my cheek with her thumb

hen the bell rang. She walked over to open it, Jake's mom was there a

rams" I kissed her f

talk later" she sa

out of school he will be partying all night" I heard her

en, kids hanged out to party wild. Her mom loo

fore midnight" she reminded us an

us, yet in front there was a huge amount of wood which was no

me with my lit essay" he introduced

d one of them ignoring the introduction but the

talking about college and football. I didn't even know wh

s was filled with all the "popular" kids, I didn't know where to move or what to say, I was just there in silence with my

ven more uncomfortable knowing that probabl

what Jake saw in me to invite me here. I was skinny, pale and silent. I had curves but no

ocket where my hand stood hidden, I looked at him in shock when his fingers intertwined with mine, I was blushed, in shock and inexperience on

this should not affect me, I was trained to avoid g

dded taking it from his hands, he also took one. I don

e for prom?" one of the guys I didn't know asked while I look

ree days" I answered timidly, I was actually intimidated

ounded as if he was begging me, I looked deep into his blu

time. He just sighed and we continued with the conversation about colleges again, this time I was actually participating

to college, no issues, no overthi

hought I'd like

e already? I haven't even

voice but it was sounding distant, I

ing and almost carrying me inside the woods

really good" he said

ing my tongue numbing and my thoughts were all over t

ulling me so strong I couldn't fight back. Did he put something in my dr

m breeze against my face and hear his laugh, it was like a sick laugh. I tried to figh

s starting t

ould only hear his voice but I did

hands getting his way through my skin, his lips were attacking my neck, e

I he

st steps. It looked like a lot o

y until I heard it something again. I w



uck on a tree branch causing him to fall. Out of the sudden my skin was feeling hot bu

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