img Touch Of Death  /  Chapter 5 The gun | 16.67%
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Chapter 5 The gun

Word Count: 2877    |    Released on: 12/02/2024



nd my other hand that was holding the sleeve of his collar still trembled a little.

of people still continue. But in the midst of the chaotic crow

rk and dark eyes, his sharp nose with a mole in the middle, his perfect jaw and his red lips. What happened f

n front of him. I saw how his menacing eyes

lease say somethi


then my hand that was holding the gun was twisted because of throwing

him take out a gun and point it at me. I closed my eyes and wait for the pain but I heard a loud bang and wh


ked around but I didn't see him. I stood up and got my gun then angrily rushed the armed man w

hen threw it somewhere. I loaded my gun and quickly shot the man who was about to shoot th

while trembling. I just no

hooting at me but because I was good at dodging I qui


insulted when someone approached me and shot me but I quickly rolled three times and stood up then kicked his gun hard and attacked him with kicks and punch

n I reached the exit, someone attacked me causing me to fall to the floor. He was going to shoot me but suddenly his forehead bled an

I didn't see Vladimir's trace. He is totall

coldly. Even if I don't look b

care of


sa m


ots words. After I was brought into the cell, I im

r hard when I remember our


re a

g caress my hand. When I looked, this handcuffed man raised my eyebrows. I

is t


Why did you

hink the use o

This cop i

sed and tried to move my hand to

ls otherwise

front of me as if he got it from me when he pointed the gun at me.

with me. You'

ing w

peat words

usted with this man. Hi

never f*

do anything as he dragged me i


ur sentence, if some

hat he says is purely auspicious. Before he turned back, he looke

hair and a mixture of white color, a little fat, with people and earrings

I might just hit you. Don't b

enly grabbed the strap of my dress and pulled me closer to him. I

to me mother, that's

, I smirked when I saw the annoyance on his

ing me. She screamed in so much pain and suddenly the three rushed but before they could get close I pushed their manang so hard that they fell together. The inside of the

rcilessly stepped on her hand and pressed my heel on it. Her blood flows. She screamed and everyon

", asked the poli

veure, b

utside and saw Vertex and Vera grinning. Before going out, I sneered at them

ance at that blue eyed office

e j



ome man in the

y grocery store just a few blocks away from the condo I'm staying at. I noticed as early as

long but I just want the safety of the two children. I continue to pu

saw the woman in the hoodie. She's definitely a girl because her brown hair

Another fell and he looked surprised because his shoulders sudden

and when I looked at what they were looking at, my eyebrows went u

a shade that is placed on the top of his head. He looks good and fresh. His like a model on this grocery. He's in a side view s

emained serious remembering the day he arrested me, d*mn! I don't know why but he seemed

ked at

k at me and snee

me the sa


aming and I looked outside and saw the woman in the hoodie running quickly. Without a sec

his car. What a d*mn mind. The woman kept running and the people we passed

ike this here. She expertly runs those slippery roads and can't let go of the

nce of dogs. I cursed because it looks like they still have rab

the dogs chasing me making their way blocked

a word threw them at me. I cursed and quickly dodged it and it smashed to the

ke a shortcut. I smiled and took the left path. I continued to run and I just smiled when

was about to stand up when I passed and quickly removed the hoodie


u saw me in t

ter is pretty. Innocent eyes, natural long eyelashes, cute pointed nose, her pinki

s and I had earlier. I can't believe we will meet. He let me stay in his small

rupt. The boss was also found to be doing illegal transaction

nlucky. She then meets Mira's father. He was a businessman and he and Agnes spent four months together. But then Ag

other took care of her but later she also died. I sympathize with her, I ca

Mira could survive. And then I realized how much Agnes had changed. S

ly pinched her cheeks. She

miled at her statement. I gently ruffled h

also remembered the grocery that I left at the grocer

and I said you can start tomorrow. She's a good friend. I'll

d smiled at me. I caressed he

x. Please forgive me for ev

anymore. I'll go ahead now, thanks

me here", I smiled a

on Mira. Be a go

. By

surprised when suddenly someone honked behind m

see it again this

one. I checked him and he was still wearing the same thin

e you do

in jail the susp

n turned away from him but before I took f

irritated. He suddenly let go of my arm

t catch

his lips twitched so my e

k you're going to go back to the store at night t

ood. But his

I'm asking. Wha

id you

ooked at me even more. His bl

the precinct explain to

ngly but suddenly I saw a black car stopped not far from where I was sta

ntimidating stare and his cold presence just like the night

adimir? Why can't you f



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