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Billionaire Baby Daddy and I

Billionaire Baby Daddy and I

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Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1134    |    Released on: 03/03/2024


rd while I waited for the assistant to usher me in. I've been here for what fe

vironment, I make myself even smaller on my chair. The hallway was twice the size of the apartment I could bar

to wherever, and while I'd seen it work out for some, it led me into piles and piles of debt, is about to make me ho

h-pitched voice called out, and

came out squeaky

back haired girl, with lips as red as blood said, pointing t

" I greeted without looking up from the floor, afraid to realize how small and insignificant I would se

tomach knotted painfully. "Are you greeting me or t

prised at the Greek god that stared back at me. His hazel eyes looked daunting

gged my feet to the

ile I did everything possible to avoid lookin

n and has been to quite a number of

up, careful to avoid his gaze as I spoke, "I've been to a number of interviews but not t

self a pat on the back. "Let's get

ely, eager to end the mee

your profile, and I guess you believe you already know why I called

guess as to why y

was about to do set in. The richest CEO in New York was about to offer me a job, a j

the streets doesn't sound as bad as what would happe

th, of course your living expenses and other neces

I asked when I got my voice

pes before me. "I want you to be my pretend wife for 2 yea


you a job as my pretend wife for 2 yea

I'm confused. Why exactly

seen the news about the charge" I absolutely have not, I've been too busy trying to keep a roof over my head to car

head. "Good, so wh

I met his gaze. It all sounds too good to be t

either ways to ensure what happens here stays here, but you have to decide now if you're going to sign both contracts or not. My time is

began fiddling with them as I let myself weigh

and he passed me a pen. "Good choice. Read through the contract and engrave the rules

ng boy of about 8 walked into the office with his backpack. He bore an uncanny resembl

anging warm pleasantries he turned to me, and our eyes widened simultaneo

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