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Reading History

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 1535    |    Released on: 06/03/2024

to the study opened slowly, revealing a young brunette who, like everyo

quarters and I would like you and your sister to advise her about the Delaney pack ways. You're both excused," A

" Jessica got up, but s

d at her, sto

café. When I left, I was...feeling

ne finished and

ve that she might be worried about me,

a few moments after she fled," Ke

row, you will accompany Katalin and her sister to café. You are to quit your

d turned to leave with Katalin, who closed the

t you to submit to them and the unmated males will have eyes on you," Katalin spo

o never join another pack, her way of life, was gone with just a few wor

r new home, it was just that: their home. They didn't have to run anymore

s distantness, its aggression; it may be far worse than the other packs we have faced and other packs we've been in...No.

r thoughts. We can re

time. Before she really could though, Katalin spoke, "We'r

use. Katalin closed the door and let

sked, less icy than

Jessica shook h

, Katalin narrowed her eyes at her, "Look

ut there, but not here?" Jessica as

as it? If the pack was so, the Alpha would have kille

had. Who couldn't? When Jessica scented her, she could tell she was easily stronger than her. In fact, Katalin w

hrough the house, "Kamilla? Oscar? L

like Katalin. Her hair was short, straight and in a v cut compared to Katalin's shoulder length and curly hair, and h

n spoke to her, but at the same time sniffed and looked over at Je

omega to the pack," Ka

ging, "...Are you sure she's even that? The

wanted. She may have been weaker than them, but how

ook after her and have her help with our duties," Katalin sat down while Kamilla rolled he

groan of protest. Her attention turne

trusting her voice

milla leaned again the wall, "Anyt

ck to Jackson to quit her human job,"

to the room, cold aggravation line


as smaller than the Motel 6 room, but still large enough for two

colored and when she sat down, it felt a little rigid, but far

words and folded her arms, leaning in the door way, "There was bound to be another Omega

ar silent one as it escaped her throat, "I didn't ask for any of this. I unde

t with it. Kamilla growled threateningly, her eyes were filled with more animosity than she had just first meeting her, "Here's a li

swallowed, starting to f

very pack claims to be convinced exi

What did

sts," Jessica asked, "Saying she doe

hey give a fuck to hunt us out anymore. Not like their stupid offsprin

re not

sinine. To worship a single moon, who supposedly only gives us real power during the Full Moon? What ab

gretted her tone as she said it and changed to

ot change, "The nine

" She couldn't believe what she was

d. They're not limited to a mere moon of Earth like the 'Moon Goddess' is," Kamilla practically spat out, "Now, you ma

essica and backed up, lett

bundle, making her warning loud and clear to Jessica, "D

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